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Stay Sane.
by --Heather

previous entry: 7even year itch- the "breakup"

next entry: An entry about everything that pisses me off

I need stepson advice. Anyone, please!


My boyfriends son came over and spent quite a few hours with us yesterday. Let me give some background on Koby first. Daniel, my boyfriend, and the baby mama, Amber broke up when she was pregnant. He was in Oregon and she ended up with her dad in Colorado. He sells all of his things and moves to Colorado to be with her and the baby, he wants to work it out. he shows up and she changes her mind, she doesn't wanna work it out. So she has the baby, he is there every weekend for the baby. He eventually had to go back to Oregon for some reason. When Koby is a year old his mother is in an accident and dies. Daniel doesn't find out until a month later. Her dad had already been awarded custody of Koby. Daniel is ordered child support. Daniel hired a lawyer to get custody and his lawyer didn't show. He loses again. Koby is eight now. As of July, Daniel stated being a part of his life regularly on over a year a and now he is coming over for the day. Yesterday was the first time I have spent more than a few hours with Koby. Koby just seems to lash out at me. And he is disrespectful and doesn't ask for things, he tells you to give him things. Wow. Now, Kobys grandad gives this kid everything he wants. And he has never really had a mother, and all of the sudden I have been thrown into this role. I can understand why he lashes at me, but I need advice on how to approach it. Do I say something or does Daniel need to do it all? Daniel does step in and reprimand his son, but not often. I don't want to be the mean one in Koby's eyes but Daniel just wants to be the play buddy all of the time. On another note, Daniel is talking about going to work in north Dakota. It's a lot of money and I plan on going to college during that time. But it's two months on and two weeks off. I don't know how I feel about being alone that whole time, but it's enough money to get us out of debt, get us our own home, I need a new car, and get us to kick up our own business. I'm excited and scared. I don't know, I should just be positive.

previous entry: 7even year itch- the "breakup"

next entry: An entry about everything that pisses me off

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