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Stay Sane.
by --Heather

previous entry: It's been a while... Wow

next entry: It's all because of the vacuum

Die Quest... Just die


I HATE HATE HATE Quest! Or Qwest, however you spell it. They both look fine to me. So, after 8 months of stealing internet (Hey, can't put a PW on it? YOUR fault!) we decide to actually PAY for it. Through stupid QUEST! We get our modem delivered 03/31. To our neighbors house. See our complex is small, has 20 apartments. My neighbor is number 12, I'm 12 1/2, and then goes 14. Because these superstitious assholes think 13 is unlucky. Psshh. whatever. So a lot of my packages go next door. But qwest also set up internet for apt #12. NOT 12 1/2! Or 13, whatever. So Daniel calls them and calls them about 50 times because when we plugged in our modem it worked for about 20 minutes. Yay. Very slowly as well. So they finally figured out that it's set up to go through number 12's phone jack (It's high speed but modem is set up through the phone jack). I pretty well figured that but Daniel doesn't let me talk to people on the phone when I'm irritated. I yell. Anyways, they're like, "Oh we well send a tech between 8-12 tomorrow morning." Which was Thursday. Friday no one shows up. Then Daniel gets an email giving him a different phone number connecting with the modem. Okaaay? So Daniel calls them again. They set up to do a transfer of service, which is a $35 fee. Yes, they waived it. Along with our first bill. But they never told us what was going on, or that there was never a tech scheduled. Nice. So they actually sent the tech TODAY. And he tells us #12 has GREAT connection. Which is our connection. That we can't use. Three hours later he gets it set up but it's not as fast as advertised because our apartment is too far away from the home office. Huh? Didn't you say #12 has a great connection? WTF?? And it's slow as dial-up. I'm using the stolen connection... which is faster. Sad. We're cancelling.

So yeah, anyways. That was one rediculously long paragraph that I know made no sense. So I have a belly check tomorrow. Thats what the nurse's at my OB's office calls the check ups. Belly checks. Tyler is going to be a night baby, I already can tell. He sleeps all day and is up and kicking all night. Very active from 1 AM to 4 AM. I wish I could train him now to sleep at night.

And David is getting excited about being a big brother. I'm just worried about him telling my ex-husband because my divorce in not final and I don't really want to look bad in front of the judge. Like I said, I left December 2008 it's not like I left last month. But still. And I'm afraid of him trying to make me having this baby hell. My Mom is trying to tell me he still has rights to anything inside my body because we are still legally married. It's freakin me out. I don't know how true that is but i'm just all on edge with my ex. Anytime I see him my heart pounds and I shake and become short of breath. It's the start of a panick attack. Sad, the one I was with for SIX YEARS and is the father of my child gives me panick attacks. EVERY. TIME. I. TALK. TO. HIM. I'm not physically afraid of him anymore but I guess just emotionally. It's very hard to think good thoughts about someone that made you feel ugly and worthless. I don't even like writing about it.

Anyways, other than that, gotta work today. I hate my Job.


previous entry: It's been a while... Wow

next entry: It's all because of the vacuum

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