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previous entry: i think they found another cure for broken hearts and feeling insecure.

next entry: words get trapped in my mind.

i should warn you, things you're feeling, aren't normal now.


For the first time, ever, I was able to walk away and not feel like I should've stayed. I was able to pick my heart up from the floor and walk away. Truly walk away. I don't know what changed or why I was suddenly able to do so, but I did. Maybe it was his tweet. He said, "you. Only. Live. Once." If he believes that, if I believe that, if everyone believes that, something would've happened by now. He wouldn't want to waste time trying to figure things or deciding whether or not I'm worth it, he'd take the risk. He'd take the chance. He didn't, and I don't think he will.

If I think about it, he's been pulling away from me for awhile now. He rarely texts me anymore and he never calls. He just couldn't be a man about it and tell me to back off, to leave him alone, to give up. Instead he wanted to leave me hanging, waiting, hoping. He wouldn't reject me. He basically refused to reject me, but it isn't like he came running into my open arms either. He still keeps me at a distance. He still doesn't embrace me like he used to. He probably doesn't care anymore, if he ever actually did. Thinking things like that used to bother me. I used to want to do everything in my power to convince him I was worth it, that he should care, that I matter, I don't anymore. He doesn't have to care or think I matter or want me to be worth it. I'm better off without him, regardless of how my heart feels or what it's thinking, I'm going to let my brain think and make my decisions. My brain says ending this, letting it go is the right thing. Is what I need to do. Is what I should've been doing for a year now. He doesn't want to love me. He's never going to love me. And he's never going to think I'm worth taking a risk on. I know that now. I accept it.

He's turned into another Exclamation Point though. He's going to be the one I compare everyone to. He's going to be the one that I'm going to want at the end of the day, but just have to remember he doesn't want me. He's what I want to find under my tree on Christmas Day and who I want to kiss at midnight on New Year's Eve, but I'm never going to get those things. I know it. I accept it. It is was it is, even though I want what it wasn't.


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previous entry: i think they found another cure for broken hearts and feeling insecure.

next entry: words get trapped in my mind.

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I understand your feeling. Last Oct. I was hurt pretty bad by a guy I thought would work out for me. All I wanted was him & I couldn't have him. I would txt and try to stay in contact but it just slowly started going away, and he would never just end it. I was his back up or something Idk. But then thankfully Jan. 25th 2011 I hung out with a co-worker I had been crushing on a we began dating, and were still together today. This coming Jan. will be a year for us. I truly believe he is my soul mate and that we both took these paths so that we could find one another. I am now somewhat friends with the other guy. My current bf at first had a problem with but he has met him and such now and I guess seems ok by it. Knows there is nothing there and that my love for him is strong. Good Luck to you hun.

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