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Stay Sane.
by --Heather

previous entry: Okay, so I changed it.

next entry: I'm pathetic

Drama Entry #1, plus TTC update


First, TTC update: Aunt Flo was supposed to visit me today, and there is no sign of her. I usually cramp the day before, or spot, but nothing. I will buy a test Wednesday and probably test Thursday morning, if I don't bleed before then.

Second, I LOVE my neighbor upstairs, but GODDAMN they are loud. Her Dad is visiting for two weeks (he leaves in a week) and her kids are here for those two weeks as well (back from summer/Dad visits) and her Dad walks so heavy, and they roughhouse with the kids in their living room. Right about my head in my bedroom. I'm ready for her Dad to leave and for her kids to go back to their Dad's so I can have QUIET!

Lastly, the drama topic of the evening is going to be my oldest son's Dad. Me and his dad, Dennis, married in 2005 when I was pregnant with David. I left him in 2008 and I am having issues getting him to divorce me. He was an alcoholic, mentally and physically abusive, and later found out on meth our whole marriage. So anyways, this last year David went to kidnergarten a year late because we were fighting where he would go to school. We have court ordered 50/50 custody (temporary orders) and he wouldn't give in. So, I had to. He lives with his mother, so I knew his Mom would be the one watching David.

Well, David comes to my house for spring break, and he starts telling me that he didn't want to be there anymore. First off, David in the past loved his Nana more than anything, and would beg to call her every day. NOW, he only talks to her for two or three minues (IF THAT) only when she calls. He told me that his Dad was only at the bar being drunk or at work, and he never spends time with him. Mostly that he feels neglected. This is coming from my SIX year old. Well, I had to send him back for school. Tina (Dennis' Mom) had agreed to let him come here for school because that is what he wants. Oh, everything goes through Tina, by the way. Dennis hasn't spoken to me in two years. But won't divorce me. So, I tell Tina that David wants to go to school because he see's his Dad being a drunk. She agreed and said only wanted what was best for David.

Well, just before he was supposed to come back here for the summer, Tina gets on the phone with me and asks if I am still letting David go to school there for first grade. Umm, NO. NO NO NO. I blew up on her! I told here that we had agreed that David is going to school here. I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs, I am his mother and this is where he should be. His Dad is a POS who doesn't give two shits about David, just uses him as a pawn against me because he is a control freak. She told me that SHE doesn't know what SHE would do if David weren't around all of the time, and that at least I have Tyler, and Dennis doesn't have any other kids to occupy himself. Well, no, he doesn't need kids. Just a bottle and a line. I told her how DARE her try and replace one of my kids with the other, that it doesn't work that way. DAVID IS SEEING THINGS HE SHOULD NOT SEE THERE! Point, blank, simple. She says, "Well, do you REALLY think it's healthy for David to go back and forth like this?" Um, no. That's why he will be living here. Well, that's not what I said. I told her, "No, but I want him to be here for school this year to make a educated choice of where he wants to be."

Do you really think I am going to rely on my six year old to choose? Nope. I will be getting full custody this year, I just don't want them to know about it to get a lawyer. I want to blind side them. She ended the conversation with, "If you tell anyone I said this, I'll deny it.... but do what you have to do." I don't kow what that means, but I really don't care. I didn't ask their permission. The fucked up thing is, no one has told Dennis ANYTHING. They want to coddle and sheild him so he won't get depressed and start drinking more or commit suicide or anything. (Good riddance if he does!). So, I am going to have to tell him, if I can get him on the phone. How I see this going down is, they will call me when they are on their way (they live across the state) and I will tell them to turn their asses around because David is staying here and I won't be home. Then I will pack the kids up and stay in a hotel for two days to be on the safe side. Sad, isn't it?

But my son, who has been all about his Nana forever, wants nothing to do with them. At six. Which is a HUUUUGE relief to me. He loves his Nana, but really doesn't like his Dad. He tells me that his Dad puts him down because he isn't good at wrestling, or he's always drunk, and that his Dad's girlfriend, Apryl wakes David up in the middle of the night to sleep with her because she is sad that his Dad is at the bar all night. This infuriates me. Every fucking day David tells me three different reasons why he doesn't want to go back. God, it's so sad. He says the only thing he misses about Nana's is going to church. I have to work on Sunday mornings and don't really beleive in god, but we will find something better for him to do. (No offense to any religious people out there).

Oh, and when Tina calls (Dennis never calls to talk to David) I never answer. I wait a few days or until after we have got back from somewhere super fun and let him tell her all about it (Bad, huh?). Well, I don't answer because she does the same shit to me. So, she called me some time last week, and I didn't answer. I was busy with homework and house cleaning. Then she calls me a few hours later, still I don't answer. So then she TEXTS me- "hey what's up is everything ok i have called numberous times to talk to David and no snswer startin to worry please let me know everything is ok PLEASE." Would any other Mother be offended by this? Because I am. Is everything OKAY? YES, BITCH WE ARE FUCKING BUSY! I called her back three or fours hours later and told her that we have been busy and let her talk to David. That was the 23rd. Then I sent her a pic two days ago and she never texted back. Haven't heard from her since. And if she calls again I will wait the standard 8 hour - two days to call her back. Fuck all them bitches.

So this will be a ride. I'm sure the tornado will hit in a few weeks with my ex-husband.

previous entry: Okay, so I changed it.

next entry: I'm pathetic

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