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Stay Sane.
by --Heather

previous entry: My nipples are on fire!

next entry: Decided

Don't psycho bitches take the hint?!


I had nothing to write about... 'Till like an hour ago.

David got off the bus from school at 4 PM. He knocked on my window (because we don't have a front door that connect directly to our house) because he was too damn lazy to use his key. I let him in and set him down to do his homework. Well, I was playing Little Big Planet (LOVE that game!) in my room on the Playstation, so I sat back on my bed to finish my level. Well, I sit down, and someone bangs on my window really loud (like a cop knock). I see a kids figure through the sheet/blinds, so I just figure it's one of the kids wanting to play with David. Which, David is doing his homework so he can't play anyways. Aaaand, it has been raining since yesterday, had barely stopped, and it was about to rain again.

Off topic, it's fucking storming right now. Hailing like crazy, and I'm afraid it's going to fuck up one of the windsheilds!

Okay, back on topic. David can't play outside. I go upstairs, and it's Gage. And Natasha. Sitting on my front porch. Fucking really?? Natasha says to me, "Hey, Gage wanted to know if he could play with David."

AKA she wants me to babysit. Are you fucking serious!? You call me a fucking bitch in front of a cop and aaallllll of the neighborhood kids, and you actually fucking think I am going to babysit for you!! Wow. Some nerve!

"No, David is doing homework," I say to her. I start to shut the door.

"Well, what about when he's done!?" She yells. I open the door.

"No." I start to shut the door again.

She says, "Why?" i open it, and I justify it with a "Because I said so" line. I start to shut the door again.

She yells through the door again, "This isn't between the kids, this is between me and you, ya fuckin' bitch!" I swear. I'm not making this up. Then I hear her tell Gage, "Go the fuck home."

To a four year old. What trash.

Y'all, I wanted to go all crazy bitch on her ass. But, she had her little kid there. I'm going to tell you how much I've grown in the past five years. Five years ago, I would have told her off and wouldn't have given a fuck who was there. I wanted to tell her what a phycho piece of white trash she was, to never knock on my door again, and I will never babysit her and her out of control kids again. I also would have told her what a shitty mother she was, not having a job or going to school and then pawning her kids off on all of the other mothers in the neighborhood. How she isn't up to get her kids dressed and ready for school in the morning, hence Christians dirty ass clothes and face, and when her kids were sitting in the rain at the bus stop this morning, I had gotten up and actually given my kid a ride to school! Yep, that's right. I don't think it's right that some of these "stay at home moms" (not referring to any OD moms) are in fucking bed in the mornings instead of feeding their kids breakfast and seeing them off to school. Ones that make their kids sit at the bus stop in the RAIN when they have a car to actually drive them and nowhere to be. It pisses me off. And I KNOW she isn't always home to greet them when they get off the bus in the afternoons.

So, folks, that was my bullshit-o-the day.



SO! Daniel was just going through our storage closet which is PACKED FULL of shit. He pulled out this little pink leopard spotted purse, that looks like a little girls purse, and asks me "What's this?" I have never seen it before in my life. I take it from him, and open it up. There is another small pink case logic case in there... Which contains a BRAND NEW cherry red Sony CyberShot camara in it. My fucking dream camara. This isn't mine, but it's in my closet. I look through th pics, they're pics of Natasha and her kids on outings. Nikki stole it and stashed at my house. I had fired her on such short notice, she didn't have time to fetch it. Now I want to tear apart my house to see if there's anything else here that's not mine.

I asked Daniel what we should do with it. keep in mind, my DREAM camara. I have coveted this for a few years. He says return it. Then he says, "Fuck it. We have so much shit missing because of them, keep it."

What would y'all do?

previous entry: My nipples are on fire!

next entry: Decided

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