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Stay Sane.
by --Heather

previous entry: Don't psycho bitches take the hint?!

next entry: Meltdown



Wow, a lot of feedback yesterday on the camara situation. I had one noter say maybe yes, maybe no, and one say keep it. Everyone else here told me to give it back.

I'm still not sure. Some of you may question my morals, and that's okay. But, I wonder what you would do in my shoes. I know you say you wouldn't keep it.

Imagine the one person in your life you loathe. Imagine them making you sick to your stomach every time you see them. Literally, want to barf. Imagine them coming in your house and stealing. I know she was involved. The value may not add up to the $229.00 value of this camara (yes, I checked), but you and your home were violated. I'm sorry, but FUCK being nice to her. Her pics are on a memory card, so she will get them back. Trying to figure out how though.

I am going to Pennsylvania in three weeks for my mom's wedding. I'm glad to have pics of that. With a nice camara. I have a baby coming. I believe that karma gave that bitch what she deserved. Honestly.

previous entry: Don't psycho bitches take the hint?!

next entry: Meltdown

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