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Stay Sane.
by --Heather

previous entry: I got in a fight with Nikki

next entry: Elaboration on the current situation

A Walk in the park


Saturday: I pick up Koby, my nine year old step-son. I still continue Daniels visits, even though he's in North Dakota. I think it's weird, but no one else has a problem with it. Anyways, on the way home from Koby's, I tell him, "Daddy will be here Monday, so I'm gonna talk to your Papa about taking you to dinner this week after he gets here." We get home, the boys get on the Wii, and I start packing a lunch. We decided to have a picnic at the park, to get all the boys out of the house. I pack peanut butter and honey sandwiches, three small bags of chips, four Capri-Suns, and a book for me, 'Jemima J'. We take the two block walk to the park, and there are two shirtless teenage boys sitting on the slides. "Oh great. " I really hate teenagers. The boys go play on the jungle gym, and me and Tyler go sit at a nearby picnic table.

I start my book, Tyler plays with his ball in the big open grassy area, David and Koby are sitting atop of the biggest slide at the park. The teenage boys sit at a table under the gazebo, and two teenage girls join them. The teenagers are surprisingly well-behaved, so I feel more at ease. Tyler even ran up to them to try and steal something from their table, and they were quite polite about it. Eventually I moved myself under a tree so Tyler would be less tempted to visit his new friends.

Later on we walk back home so I can lay Tyler down. David and Koby start fighting over the Wii game, so I text Daniel about the problem. He never gets back to me, ohhhkay. So I switch off playing games with them. Then I hear the "cop knock" on my bedroom window. First off, the way my house is set up is the outside door goes into a hallway that leads to mine and my neighbors front doors. We keep the top door locked. Anyone that knows me knows to knock on my window to get me to answer the door. The only person that knocks on that window is Nikki. When I heard the "cop knock", I didn't get up. Assuming its Nikki, I want no drama. My chest tightens, and I caught myself holding my breath. I stuck my nose in my book. Then my phone rings. Since I blocked both Nikki and Natasha from calling my cell phone, I knew it wasn't them. It's Daniel. I answer. "What, you can't answer you're door?!" he says. I hang up and run up the stairs. He shows up with a 42" Vizio TV and a 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix.

Speaking of Nikki, she came to my door the other day. She was frantic almost. She tells me, "I need to talk to you, it's about David! Sort of...." of course I was on the phone with Daniel. "This is specifically about David?" "Well, potentially." -insert eye roll here-. I tell Daniel I'll call him back and say to Nikki, "What."

Before I get into what Nikki is standing at my door about, let me explain something. Nikki=drama. Duh. This is the woman that came over to fight me because I told her I would give her $50 while I was on three different painkillers, money she didn't work for.

Nikki proceeds to tell me that she suspects that Gage is being molested by Cavin, the neighborhood bully. -insert ANOTHER eye roll here-. Now, I know I sound like a bitch. This is serious, right? No. This is a pathetic attempt for Nikki to spread bullshit around. Besides, David hasn't been allowed to play with Cavin for a week now. How do I know? Because I went outside a half an hour later, and Aerian, Gage's seven year old sister, was playing with Cavin in front of their house. Hmm. If he just molested your son, why is he PLAYING WITH YOUR DAUGHTER. I actually want to tell Cavins mom that Nikki is spreading this rumor around. I don't know if I should get involved or keep my ass out of it.


previous entry: I got in a fight with Nikki

next entry: Elaboration on the current situation

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