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BumbleBee's Diary
by BumbleBee

previous entry: you can blame it on the changes.

next entry: it's been a while..



How do you do it? Make me feel like I do.

I need to rant tonight. It seems like everything can never just go okay.
It'll all started at work when a man and his son came into to eat and his son was dancing around the dining room and the man ended up telling me about his son's mom almost killing him because she got him addicted to drugs as a baby. This pissed me right off. How could a bitch be so stupid? There are so many woman who can't have children and there's idiots out there not giving a shit about children. One of the most precious things in the world and they don't give a fuck.
There's one thing off the chest.
I'm so stressed and tired, which is general but it seems like this week has taken forever. I worked three 14 hour days and it's all because I want to save money to move this summer. Which comes to the next subject of how complicated the marine corp makes my life, I'm not even a marine I'm just in love with one. I didn't fall in love with a marine though I fell in love with the boy down the street. It sucks to be far away and that's why my new goal is to move down there but getting married, finding a place to live, everything, would be easier if it wasn't for the military.
Next, I was so happy to pay off a bunch of my medical bills with my last pay check but i still have a grand to go so Luke said he would send it to me. Problem is, both of us work so much it's hard for him to get to the bank and it would be hard for me to get to the bank to put the money there. Everyday I get to hear my mom bitch about the bills. I know they're there! Trust me I'll never forget why I have the fucking bills to begin with! Bringing it up everyday, multiple times a day, is not going to make the money just show up! It's so frustrating.
Me and Luke were talking today too and he thinks it would be a good idea for me to go into the navy when he does? Whaaa?! I don't know.
I feel so hostile. I'm probably mad about so many more things but that's just the last couple hours.

previous entry: you can blame it on the changes.

next entry: it's been a while..

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