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Musing, notions, thoughts and random ramblings
by Man without fear

previous entry: Year in review, part 2: change is gon' come.

next entry: it's been waaay too damn long...

YIR wrap-up "welcome to wherever you are"


I haven't really been all that satisfied with my previous YIR entries, i think because they fail to really encapsulate just how i feel about the year that was.

It was a *really* good year, i met some really awesome people (Claire, Jasmin, Stephan, Ruby to name a few) i got my ass back on track, going to school. E's got a good job which she's worked a long time to get this kind of opportunity; it really pleases me to see her doing as well as i always knew she could do.

i grew a great deal in my connection to my gods, realized that i'm apparently an Odin's man, and while it can suck at times, it's not a bad thing.

i feel like, on the road of life i managed to get quite a distance this past year, and while it's not where you're going, but how you get there, i can look back and be pleased with how i got so far, not just how far i got.

There are still miles to go, but 2008 was a good year!

good night and good luck

previous entry: Year in review, part 2: change is gon' come.

next entry: it's been waaay too damn long...

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I'm happy to know that your year has been good and pleasing for you. And even though this has been a good year for you I hope that this year is even better.

[JessieBabee|0 likes] [|reply]

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