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by br!na

previous entry: help! leech family moochers!

next entry: I think I'm still here, barely holding on..

im still alive


please forgive me

i know i know, its been forever and im sooooo sorry! things have been so hectic here and i have no time for anything. and now my phone is about to die so i dont have much time. lol
everything is fine! im alive and well. altho i am being harrassed now. ive been getting phone calls from a blocked number for about 2 weeks now. they call me a fat bitch, tell me they are going to kick my ass,
call me trailer trash and white trash. i dont know who it is. but i do know they lurk on my fb. i called at&t, they said they cant do anything because the number is blocked. i went to the cops, they said they cant do anything. i could change my number i guess...but that costs money. i dont know what to do. has anyone ever had to deal with this before?
we are still ttc. just kinda more laid back about it, i guess. altho more people around me become pregnant everyday and its hard. my cousin in ga is my age, has a 4 yr old, a 1 yr old, a 4 month old and now shes pregnant with twins. they all live in her husbands parents basement. how is that fair? ugh!
work is ok. still full of drama but not as bad as before! made a new friend, her name is joyce, also friends with her sister shawn. they r pretty awesome!
well i better get some sleep! gotta work tomorrow! comment me, cant wait to hear from all of my bloop friends again! ive missed you guys!
Baby Dust Designs

previous entry: help! leech family moochers!

next entry: I think I'm still here, barely holding on..

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Shit that's a lot of kids! Glad u guys are still ttc....I know u pair will be great mums xx

[spanna|0 likes] [|reply]

Hello! Good to see you again!

[polywogStar|0 likes] [|reply]

hope everything is ok....

[ღExpecting#4|0 likes] [|reply]

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