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After A Life Full Of Laughter
by ~*~Bly~Jette~*~

previous entry: Lazy Laundry Thursday

next entry: NoJoMo #1

Killing Our Future


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Tore Up Over This
So... I've been super emotional all day but for a good reason and most of it doesn't have to deal with pregnancy... This past week, a 15 year old girl was kidnapped about 2 hrs south of me. The person who took her was a 38 yr old man from Newport MI {about 30 mins from where I grew up as a child}. Long, horrible story short... they were both found dead in Newport. As soon as I heard this, my heart literally broke into a million pieces. I mean, she was only 15!! She had a lot of life left to live... This isn't the first story to hit me like this.

Last year there was a little girl, 5 years old, kidnapped from my home town. She was also found dead... FIVE YEARS OLD!!!! I cried for that baby... and to this day it haunts me. What is this world coming to? Killing the young, killing the future! And the girls mother.... the day after she went missing was out getting her nails done because of all the interviews... But the mother didn't have full custody, the grandmother did... it was just her weekend... She let her outside, ALONE... I just... it blows me away...

This 15 yr old girl... maybe she dated him... he was due in court for having sex with her the next day... But she didn't deserve to DIE!!! I mean, she's really just a girl... at 15, you haven't seen as much as you think.... Someday my kids are going to be 15 and they are going to make mistakes...

I feel like I should do something for these children but I don't know what... I feel strongly in protecting children, more than just mine. All though protecting mine comes first. I can't imagine what her family is going through right now.... She had two younger siblings that looked up to her, her best friends were on the news...

I guess I'm done writing... I'm raw with emotions... Please, if you pray, say a pray for not only this family, but for all families affected by kidnapping.
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previous entry: Lazy Laundry Thursday

next entry: NoJoMo #1

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Stories like this break my heart.

Congrats on your (almost) 2 years without SI. My 8 years was in September. I want to do something special for my 10th. I got a tattoo this year.


[Love, RebekahStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Got no words... just 'HUGS'

[Randomosity's.HeartStar|0 likes] [|reply]

That story was soooo sad. Just horrible. I little boy in my area (Dominick Calhoun, you may have heard about it) was murdered in April by his mother's boyfriend, I went to school with his father. It was just horrible. No child deserves to die. EVER. No matter what they do. When I heard about this particular story though, I wanted to throw something at my TV just out of anger and sadness for this family. I don't know what I'd do if someone ever hurt my child. And if you haven't heard about Dominick, and you are on Facebook, you should go here!/pages/Dominicks-Law-/111925102174072 and join. It's a great thing.
♥ Ashley; a

[Mama2One|0 likes] [|reply]

neveah? that story broke my heart.

[one + twins.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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