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After A Life Full Of Laughter
by ~*~Bly~Jette~*~

previous entry: Lazy Laundry Thursday

next entry: NoJoMo #1

Killing Our Future


previous entry: Lazy Laundry Thursday

next entry: NoJoMo #1

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Stories like this break my heart.

Congrats on your (almost) 2 years without SI. My 8 years was in September. I want to do something special for my 10th. I got a tattoo this year.


[Love, RebekahStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Got no words... just 'HUGS'

[Randomosity's.HeartStar|0 likes] [|reply]

That story was soooo sad. Just horrible. I little boy in my area (Dominick Calhoun, you may have heard about it) was murdered in April by his mother's boyfriend, I went to school with his father. It was just horrible. No child deserves to die. EVER. No matter what they do. When I heard about this particular story though, I wanted to throw something at my TV just out of anger and sadness for this family. I don't know what I'd do if someone ever hurt my child. And if you haven't heard about Dominick, and you are on Facebook, you should go here!/pages/Dominicks-Law-/111925102174072 and join. It's a great thing. ♥ Ashley; a

[Mama2One|0 likes] [|reply]

neveah? that story broke my heart.

[one + twins.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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