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The Venerable Pooh - of Wootness!!!
by The Venerable Pooh

previous entry: To see the lamentations of their women...

next entry: A Fine Noel

I could never be a blogger...


I'd just sit at home and play with my breasts all day...

No, but seriously, I've just run into the whole "got nothin'" mentality. Not that I've run out of things to say, it just feels like I've said it all before.

Merry Christmas.

Happy Chanuka.

Happy Kwanza

Happy Chrismahanukwansika

OK, those are holiday greetings, and it's expected that people will say them at holiday times... like now... but what do they mean? Hope you have a nice day/week on the holiday of your choosing? What happens after that? "Hope the day after isn't shitty"?

I want to be clear here, I am not hating on the holiday season. I love the holidays, I enjoy buying gifts for people. I find a lot of joy in that practice, but I'm running into the possibility of repeating myself or worse, not picking gifts that are person appropriate. This year, I actually bought my wife something she specifically asked for... and NOTHING ELSE... OK, not exactly a problem, you'd think... but all the thought for the gift came from her. I just shelled out the duckets for it. No imagination.

Which brings me back to the blogging title... I am not posting regularly here or on my other blogs. I will be quippy on Facebook, but that's just because all my friends are there. No actual meat to the posts, just something snide to catch attention and I move on. It's almost as bad as Twitter, except that I have more room on Facebook... Sad Sad Sad. (insert Sad Panda face here)

Perhaps if I had more time to write I'd be more creative more regularly... Got to work on those time management skills I guess.

That's it... a goal (NOT A RESOLUTION)... effective time management, here I come.


previous entry: To see the lamentations of their women...

next entry: A Fine Noel

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I'm feeling that too. Bloop seems a lot more reliable these days, I think its time to invest something back into it.

Ahhh to be creative...

[Della Dean|0 likes] [|reply]

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