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U'szo' bolond vagyok!
by vatten mö

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next entry: BloopTOTW: Theme 296

Well, well

12/01/2010 brother thought he'd be a meanie-head and taunt me about him getting rest AND being able to sleep in today. He did that because I told him I got little to no sleep last night AND had to be at work by 8am this morning. That is why I call him a meanie-head (like a 5 year old, haha). What did I do to get back at him? Well, let me tell you...

I taunted him about being able to eat homemade enchiladas and chocolate cake. I texted him and said, "Mmm! Homemeade enchiladas. Want some? Too bad! You must be "this nice" to warrant any. Haha."
This was also after he taunted me some more about being able to take a nap. I had coffee by this time so I was somewhat awake and mentally alert.

His reaction you ask? Well, hold your horses and I'll tell you...Sheesh, so impatient! *shakes head at you*

Kenny: That's fine...I'm having fried chicken, smashed potatoes & gravy with green beans!
Me: Good for you. Cynthia is nicer than me apparently.
Kenny: Lol!!

That was about the point that he commented that he was glad I was awake and the taunting part of our conversation ended.

The moral of this story: What's good for the goose is good for the gander! Take that Kenny! Haha.

You can't tell we are related, can you?

All this started because I texted him asking who had his sons on Saturday. My oldest nephew by him is turning 13 years old on Dec. 4th and I wanted to know who to call...him or his mother, Julia.

Cynthia is his current wife/significant other, by the way. This is the first time he has been officially married in his life. Julia and Chelsea (mothers of his sons) were either a common law partner or unofficial fiance. So far I like Cynthia. I don't know much about her but she seems nice. I have a niece by her and Kenny. Kenny has 4 children total, in case you were wanting a head count. Haha.

previous entry: Check this out, please.

next entry: BloopTOTW: Theme 296

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Im addin u to my faves fo

[*~His Mrs.Right~* Star|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: We had the headless man to hit, the big dummy to work on, but we had the instructors husband be the other "dummy". He didn't wear any padding either. He was brave but very strong. He has some kind of black belt or something.

[Adrian|0 likes] [|reply]

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