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Welcome to the Fantasy!
by TandB_fanfic

previous entry: Shock

next entry: T-Baby names



**Rated M for Mature Content. May contain foul language and/or adult situations. Please read with caution.**
ocument type="layout" layout="Rainbow Dripping" layout_href="/lovebipolarinc/rainbowdripping" author="Beth@Love Bipolar Inc." author_href="/lovebipolarinc">


Bina yawned and stretched next to Rob when the alarm clock went off to get the kids up for school. She hadn't told the kids or her parents yet, but she wanted to make sure everything was ok first. Her first official appointment was a couple days away. There would be an ultra sound, heart beats, and amnio test.

"Bryan, Justice.... time to get up for school." The kids groaned and rolled over in their beds. Bina laughed and walked to the kitchen. Rob came up behind her and kissed her neck.

"Good morning beautiful. Bryan is finally up, Jus is still sleeping though."

"Ok baby." She turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him gently. Suddenly there was a nudging into Rob's stomache.

"What was that?"

Bina smiled and rubbed her belly. "That was the babies" she whispered. Rob's hand rubbed over her tummy, a smile wide across his face.

After her appointment she found out that she was four in a half months along which is how far along Thressa was.... give or take a couple weeks. The heart beats were both strong and good, the results for the amnio would be in by the end of the week. In the mean time, she had set up a dinner for her parents and the kids to go out and she would tell them all the news. She was excited and scared for their reactions. Those babies had been through so much with the divorice with Lee... that was someone else she had to tell.

"Hey there guys... How are you?" the kids rushed in the house throwing they're backpacks on the floor. Bryan flung his shoes off and walked away, Justice smiled and sat next to Bina.

"I had a good day at school today momma!"

"Awesome sweetheart, do you have home work before we go out to dinner with grandma and grandpa?"

"Yeah.... I'll go get it started." she beamed.

"Bryan, how was school."


"How come?"

"I got in trouble again, stupid teachers."

"Bryan! That's no way to talk. What happened?"

"I don't remember.... I'm going to go read in my room."

"Ok" she sighed, running a hand through her hair. She had dealt with this every day this week and it was finally Friday. "Just be ready in a hour to go out to dinner." She sat on the chair with her feet propped up, her hand on her belly. Rob walked in, kissed her forehead then dashed off to the shower. Justice walked in and sat on Bina's lap.

"Momma, I'm going to be a big sister"

"Uhm, what?"

"Nothing..." she bounded off.

At the resturaunt they all sat together, eating and laughing. Towards the end of the meal Bina cleared her throat.

"I would like to make an announcment." Everyone stopped talking and looked at her. "I found out recently that Rob and I are expecting.... Twins."

"What?" her mom said.

"I'm four and a half months along already..., we just found out."

"Congrats!" her dad said. The kids sat there, looking at her. Then a smile grew over Justice's face.

"I told you I was going to be a big sister!"

"I want a brother!" Bryan chirped in.


"That went a lot better than I had planned last night at dinner" Rob said, sitting next to Bina rubbing her feet.

"I agree.... But now that money is not a problem... I have no reason to not add on to the family. I have two beautiful children already, a fantastic husband who would do anything for me, and a great support system." she smiled at him as he leaned over to kiss her. "I love you."

"I love you too"

"Hey, mails here! I'm gonna go get it... results shoulder be here"

Sure enough it was. She set all the other stuff aside and sat next to Rob and opened it. She read and then dropped the paper on the floor, not saying a word when Johnny and Thressa walked in.

"Hey kid, what's up?" Bina didn't say anything.

"Bina?" Thressa waved a hand in front of her face, Rob sat next to her holding her hand. He pointed to the paper on the floor. Thressa picked it up and read it.

"Oh my God..." she gasped.

"What?" Johnny asked, concerned.

"This says Rob's DNA only matches one of the babies...."

Love Bipolar Inc | Image:
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next entry: T-Baby names

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