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Welcome to the Fantasy!
by TandB_fanfic

previous entry: T and B Combo Chapter!

next entry: Almost home.

B-Off To The Beach



Rob rolled over to face his new wife, he still couldn't believe that they were married. His arms wrapped around her hips and pulled her close to his body. He kissed the nape of her neck, flicking his tongue over her skin lightly.
Bina moaned and crushed her body into his, still sleepy. Rob brushed his finger tips up and down the middle of her back and kissed her jaw line until her eyes fluttered open. Her green eyes smiled bright at him.
"Good morning my love."
"Mmm, yes good morning handsome."
Rob rolled Bina on her back and crawled on top of her, he ran his hands down to her hips. He crushed his lips to hers, sliding his tongue over hers. She tasted sweet, even first thing in the morning.
Bina ran her hands over his bare back and thrusted her hips, feeling his cock harden against her body. She groaned out and playfully bit his lip. Rob trailed his fingers down her belly and went farther down, finding her wet spot, thumbing over her clit. She tossed her head, raking her nails down his back.
"You like that baby?"
His hand moved to her knee, moving them apart and thrusting his hard cock into her. Bina bucked and moved with him, grinding into him more and gripped his shoulders with her legs wrapped around his hips. Robert grapsed her hips as he pumped faster and harder then slid one hand down and rubbed her clit inbetween two fingers.
"Oh God, I'm close baby" Bina mumbled out.
"Just hold on." He moved his fingers and brought his body down to hers, kissing her lips. He traced her lips with his tongue then entangled his with hers and began pumping faster. "I'm close baby, just a little longer"
Sabrina gripped the back of his arms hard, biting her bottom lip. Rob pumped a few more times before they both climaxed together, breathing heavily. Robert collapsed onto Bina and kissed her face.
"I love you" Rob breathed out, kissing her cheek then rolling over onto his back, bringing Bina to his side with his arm around her shoulder.
"I love you too" Bina kissed his chest. "We need a shower, and round two for the day!" She jumped up and ran to the bathroom and waited for Rob.
Rob and Bina walked to the sitting area and saw Thressa playing with her cell phone.
"Good afternoon" she smiled.
"Heya... Who ya talkin' to?"
"Alana... Mom and dad let her have a phone while I was gone, just to text" Thressa beamed.
"Wow! That's awesome."
"Yeah, it's nice. I miss her. But she has to work off the phone since it was her idea, it's a good thing though. The only time she's allowed to have it is after school when her home work is done too, and her chores. She's telling me about her newest ponies"
"Awe, that's cool. Tell her I miss her too!"
"Ok" she continued texting.
"Where's Johnny?"
"Taking us to an island."
"Ohhhh, very cool. I think I'll go give Bryan and Justice a call..."
"Ok, tell them Aunt Thressa loves and miss them!"
"Come on people, we're here" Johnny bellowed.
"We're coming!" Thressa and Bina said at the same time, which made them giggle. Rob shook his head with a smile on his face.
"It's beautiful!" Bina gasped "Where are we?"
"Uh... Ok. I'm going to pretend like I know where that is" she laughed. Slowly they all walked onto the dock and to the beach. Bina didn't even bother to wear shoes, nor did Thressa.
"You girls hungry?" Rob asked.
"Ok, we'll be back. Make your selves at home." Johnny and Rob walked off.
"Yay! A beautiful beach and a few people!" Bina said.
"Yup, good people watching."
The girls sat down under a tree, digging their toes into the sand watching people walk and sometimes run past. It was beautiful and warm, neither of them could wait to jump in the water to just soak and relax. A man in too tight swim trucks walked past them and bent over to fix his shoe. On cue Thressa made her noise.
Bina tried to hold in a laugh and failed. The guy stood up and picked a wedgie out of his ass.
"Phhtttt" she made her fart noise again, this time Bina laughed loudly.
A skinny girl in a bikini that looked like the size a toddler could wear ran into the water and squeeled when it splashed her.
"Phht" Bina chimed in. "Oh no! I sharted!"
Thressa roared with laughter. Then as the skinny woman turned back to the beach she tripped over a towel and felt to her knees.
"AHAHAHAHA! Wait wait, here comes a group of people" Thressa said.
"Phhht, phhhhhhhhhhhhhhhttttttttttt, pppppphhhhttt, ppppppppphhhhhhhhhhhtttt"
Just then the boys returned with a couple icecream cones but distracted by the noises from their women, all they did was stand there and look at them.
"Yes?" Bina said innocently.
"This is what we do"
"Really?" Johnny asked, quite amused.
"Mmmhmm" they agreed.
"Then let's join you" he chuckled.
The four of them changed and got into the water, it was almost like bath water. They swan, splashed, and played for about an hour then Rob said he wasn't feeling well. He went in to change and lay down for a little bit. Bina decided to stay and swim a little bit longer. Bina, Johnny, and Thressa headed back to shore when Bina stepped on a sea shell.
"Son of a...." she bit down on her lip.
"You ok?" Thressa asked.
"I stepped on a shell or something, hurts like a bitch." Thressa came over and Bina held onto her arm to stay steady and lifted her foot to look at it. "Good Lord!" blood oozed out of her foot.
"Shit, let's get you on the deck."
Once on the deck, Bina sat in the nearest chair and Johnny went to get some supplies. Thressa sat next to Bina for comic relief. Johnny came back with some bandages, alcohol {the non-drinkable kind}, and some ointment.
"Baby, you want to go get us some wine?"
"Ok kid, this is gonna hurt." Bina closed her eyes and gritted her teeth as Johnny poured alcohol over the wound, making it burn like hell.
"I know, I'm sorry." He wiped around the cut and placed the badage on the bottom of her foot. Thressa walked in and handed Johnny and Bina a glass and kept one for herself. Bina and Thressa both chugged theirs and were ready for more. "You ok kid?"
"Yeah, just stings now. Thanks"
"No problem." Johnny stood up and kissed the tip of her nose. "You gals need more wine?"
"Yes" they answered in unison.
"Ok" Johnny chuckled. "We'll get this then head back to the states."

Love Bipolar Inc | Image:

previous entry: T and B Combo Chapter!

next entry: Almost home.

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