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All you need is Love
by ✌-mel-☮

previous entry: listen to the sound of silence

next entry: if you wanna be somebody else, change your mind.. 2/3/2004

Welcome to my happy world now get your s**t and leave 2/3/2004


On a Way Back Machine bloop binge. Sorry for taking up a lot of the homepage y'all. I can't believe this was in 2004. Seems so long ago. Amazing that I now long for the stress I endured back then. Hindsight is fun. lol
click here for the original entry.

Welcome to my happy world now get your shit and leave 2/3/2004

Time: 10:04pm
State of Being: stressed and freaking out
Song lyric in my head: joy to fishes in the deep blue sea. joy to you and me
current desire: to turn up my stereo uber loud and just drown myself in music. but i can't because its quiet hours
where am I?: in my dorm room sitting on my bed
what's that noise?: I have my earphones plugged into my computer and I'm listenning to my illegally downloaded music. Joy to the world by three dog night currently. it's almost over.

So I have this paper due tomorrow for Acting for the Camera. We had to do a scene analysis for a movie. I was going to watch the movie today after my dramatic writing class and do the essay there. Because we have a media library with movies. The only problem was that the library had none of the movies. The only one it had was checked out. So guess what. There goes a complete letter grade. I e-mailed my teacher and asked if I can turn it in on thursday. He hasn't e-mailed me back yet.

I'm so stressed out right now. I have a Government exam tomorrow which I've barely studied for. It shouldn't be too bad though it's only an 1101 class. I was going to sudy for it tonight, but I can't concentrate. The only think I keep thinking about is my scene analysis essay. And I keep waiting for my teacher to e-mail me back with a definate yes or no. (whether I can turn it in late or not) If it's a no, then I can go ahead and put that out of my mind for the moment. But I can't sit here and not know.

It's only the what? 3rd week of school? and I'm already screwing up. yay go me.

I hate stress. I can't function when I'm stressed out. It's always one thing after another after another.



mood lyrics- Creep by Radiohead 2/3/2004
click here for the original entry

mood lyrics- Creep by Radiohead 2/3/2004

When you were here before, couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel, your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You're so fucking special

But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here

I don't care if it hurts, I want to have control
I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice, when I'm not around
You're so fucking special
I wish I was special

But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here, ohhh ohhhh

She's running out again....
She's running out, she's run, run, run,

Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
You're so fucking special
I wish I was special
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
I don't belong here

previous entry: listen to the sound of silence

next entry: if you wanna be somebody else, change your mind.. 2/3/2004

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