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One sky, one destiny....
by One sky, one destiny.

previous entry: Last One

next entry: Tell Me Everything

I Double Lied. Is That Truth?


Is your birthday in October?
Nope. April.

Do know someone who has a birthday in October?
My mother's birthday was on the 3rd.

Do you like the weather that comes in October?
I love Autumn.

Do you still go trick or treating?
No, but I still dress up. And I will be this year.

What is your favorite costume you have ever worn?
The one I'm making for this year. Four of us are going as Batman villains in formal wear. The Joker, Harley Quinn, Two-Face, and Scarecrow.

What will you be this year?
Harley Quinn in formal wear.

On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being most liked) how much do you like haunted houses?
If they're not really lame, I love them.

What is your most memorable moment in a haunted house?
When I was younger, a good friend of the family and his boyfriend came here and we all went to a haunted house. Everyone in our group got freaked out and began pushing him, and in his Filipino voice - "I'm stuck!! I can't get out!" He's crying like a baby and freaking out. I was laughing so hard.

Are you a person that flies out of the haunted house crying or laughing your head off?
Laughing at the other people. lol

What's your favorite scary movie?
No clue. I have a LOT.

Do you watch scary movies alone...and in the dark?
What's the point of it if it is not in the dark?

Do you like candy corn?
I've lost my taste for it, really.

Ever been pranked as a halloween joke? If so, what happened?
No, not yet, but I'm quite weary of my bestie's friends this year. They're pranksters.

Have you ever pranked someone to give em' a good halloween scare? What prank did you pull?
I'm too lazy for that.

In a scary movie, would you be the one who goes to check out
the freaky noise upstairs, or the one who is smart and runs?
If there's a noise upstairs, I'm going the other way. I'm a curious person - but not that curious.

Do you and a group of friends get together and have scary movie marathons, staying up all night being scared?
No, but that does sound fun. I think my bestie would be a wuss though, after the Paranormal Activity fiasco. Hahaha.

Do you go to corn mazes?
No. I don't like the feeling of being lost.

If so, do you stick with the non-scary maze, or do you go for the haunted one?
Haunted would be more fun.

Going back in time, if you were given the chance to play in any scary movie, which one would you pick?
I dunno, but I wouldn't be the girl around the wall close to the killer breathing like a porn star.

Do you like the bloody, gory, slasher, run for your life because you're about to get your throat cut open, movie? Or are you for the suspensful, not much blood type?
I like them all.

Do you find movies like chucky, the puppet master, dolls, etc, extremely dumb?
Mostly doll movies are creepy, and a lot are too cheesy.

Is it creepy to you that sometimes they use kid's toys as the murderers?
Yes. That and clowns. UGH.

Are you into carving pumpkins?
I actually want to invest in a craft pumpkin and make really detailed carvings sometime from now, without the live pumpkin guts.

Do you roast the seeds and then eat them?
Never tried that.

Have you ever been to a costume dance/party?
Not really. Just a costume contest that was public.

What is the stupidist scary movie ever made, in your opinion?
The Saw movies after the third one, really. By the fifth, it was overdone.... Gah.

What's the best scary movie ever made?
There's too many!

What's the last scary movie you went to see in theatres? Did you like it?
Paranormal Activity. I liked it, and I liked the crowd. Someone flew out of their seat in the end and back onto my friend's lap and mine. She got so scared. I was laughing because it was some thug-looking guy. Bahahaha.

Did you like this survey?
It killed some time. lol

previous entry: Last One

next entry: Tell Me Everything

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hey, im a double major in accounting and finance. and yes i am thankful that they gave me their info!! i'd threaten them if they didnt haha. and thats another thing, what are you supposed to do if your parents wont give you their fin. info??? its kinda ridiculous.

thanks, good luck to you as well. try and find some way to get there!!!!

[RandomChild|0 likes] [|reply]

My dad didn't mind at all. He's always been very supportive. I actually wanted to do something to do with numbers because I am a numbers freak, though I hated math back in the day. (Weird, no?) You're supposed to sit there and let things happen because that's the way life is, I guess!! It's all good, however. I've got a 13$ an hour job coming my way and as soon as I save up from there, I'll be going to college and doing it on my own. =) Thank you for your kind words!

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