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by Ryukotsusei

previous entry: Had a scare...

next entry: trying to understand...

Understanding trust...


I have been thinking about a lot of my past years,,, thinking of the few people i trust boldly... trust has become a lie to me... a trick word used to pull you close... Do you hear me... i am becoming paranoid.... or am I? i am not sure but in the last 5-6 months so much betrayal from my friends and the people i thought loved me... it's like the only ones that I can trust are those that have been in my life for over 12+ years. I have become rather rude to some people, others have not seen me in a long time and they must not care because they would have sought me out in worry like some of the ones that care do. I have be come blunt and realistic and say things that could be mean if they were not the truth. more so in conversations about love and relationship. its funny how people get mad at me, but if it were so hottie they would love them more, because people love rudeness and such. well not everyone but it seems like it... For you few that read my words, what would you do in that kind of haze? and does this make sense for me or am i getting paranoid. I wonder if i need help or am i doing alright coping?

previous entry: Had a scare...

next entry: trying to understand...

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Yes, and I put in for Meijer, Target, Baby R Us, Toys R Us, and pretty much every place I found on Craigslist. lol

[Ice Vampire|0 likes] [|reply]

If I remember correctly, yes we have. The place I have an interview with today is Cutting Edge Technology, not sure what they do, but it's not Sam's Club and there for I don't care what they do. Better pay, better hours. Lol Target called me today saying they wanted me as seasonal help, and I said that I would go in for an interview. Soooo even if this first interview goes bad, and I don't get the job at Cutting Edge, at least I have another interview to look forward to. Granted it's not the best job and it's only seasonal, but it's something, right?

[Ice Vampire|0 likes] [|reply]

Trust is tricky. Forgiveness and truly being apologetic are key. It works both ways. Being bitter will get you no where, unless you want to be miserable. Although, if you are already miserable, it's hard to trust again. You've got to find a way to break the cycle! I hate to see people feel bad. I hope you feel better. Have a nice day. (PS random noter, I am.)

[Panoramic Prism|0 likes] [|reply]

Most people suck thats why i avoid them. Very few people i can actually stand. You are one of the awesome ones wilbert so dont forget that!

[Project Overkill|0 likes] [|reply]

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