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Stay Sane.
by --Heather

previous entry: Big Red is dead

next entry: Hello, is anybody out there?

You should be shot, sweetheart


Seriously. I hate men that think they can treat a woman however the hell they would like to and expect her to be there by his side.

Example: My friend Mallory watches my son David while I go to work from 6-10 pm, Mon. thru Fri. She has a six month old baby boy named Trystan and her boyfriend and baby daddy lives there, Ryan.

Well, I cannot stand Ryan! He hasn't been working, all he does is smoke pot and his son goes to a baby sitters while Mallory is at school from 9 am through 4:30 p.m. He won't get up with the baby in the middle of the night, and he is just disrespectful to her. She is a very proper type girl, he has never even heard the girl fart in the couple of years they have been together. He says things in front of me and Daniel to embarrass her on purpose (like talk about "her pussy", his words, not mine) and she will ask him to stop and he just keeps going on and on. It's rude!

So I took David over there yesterday and Mallory is sitting on her couch, and I was like, "Hey, how's it going?" She told me things were fine and Ryan pipes in, "No it's not, Mallory's being a fucking CUNT!" Whoa. Excuse me? My eyebrows just went up and I gave her a look (David had gone outside and did not hear any of this, by the way). Ryan just keeps screaming at her about how she is a loser bitch and a low life, so on and so forth. So I just tried to change the subject, I picked up her son and starting playing with him. Well Ryan gets on the phone, telling someone that Mallory is being a fucking cunt (yet again) and "We can't do our deal today because of my bitch girlfriend". Gets off the phone and throws the phone at her hard and hits her in the stomach.

That's where I could not keep my mouth shut. I just said, "Hey!" And he went OFF. He started calling me and bitch and telling me how I should not come into his house and disrespect him and how I can put his fucking son down and David won't fucking come over to his house anymore and blah blah blah. This whole time he has his fist raised like he is going to hit me. I was like "Damn right my son is not staying here!" Fucking walked out of that house SHAKING. Called someone else and took David over there last minute.

Mallory called me later and apologized, which I wasn't mad at her, of course. But he is such a piece of shit it's not even funny. And the whole reason why he is mad is because she wouldn't give him any of her money for him to buy pot. Seriously?? I can't wait for him to try to step on my porch (he thinks him and Daniel are still friends, ha.) and I am going to go the fuck off on his ass. I want to make him feel so fucking low that he wants to kill himself. Like I said before, this man should be shot.

previous entry: Big Red is dead

next entry: Hello, is anybody out there?

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