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Stay Sane.
by --Heather

previous entry: *Bangs face on keyboard*

next entry: The song of my people

The "popular" diary rant


Well, TV and PS3 pawned, rent paid. I am glad he went with my idea, because his wasn't that smart.5

I have a rant about those diarists. You know who they are. Let me know if you experience this.

I have been on OD (back when it was Teen Open Diary) since I was a freshman in high school. I remember writing about 9/11. It has been on and off, but I have seen a lot of people come and go, and I have seen a lot of changes on OD. I remember when they started promoting NoJoMo. That was the only one. Now they have one for every month. I remember when the OD boards started up. Which they aren't really being used anymore. I remember when the lifetime memberships were introduced. Point is, I have been around.

Now, this diary I started up in 2009. I wrote only sometimes and then let it drop. I didn't have the time to put into it, I didn't have any good faves, and no one read what I had to say. It bored me. Now I have a lot more time on my hands, don't I? I am pretty much writing every day with the exception of the weekends becaue that is our family time. I mean, I pay for this diary. I am going to use it! I love to write (I also have a paper journal to the unborn baby for her or his 18th birthday), I love getting notes/feedback/contructive criticism/advice on what I have to say.

Now, let's be honest here, OD takes some commitment. To really get the most out of this site, it is enjoyable to have an established bookmark list of people that you enjoy reading (or anticipate their entries!) You have to have at least five or more regular readers, something to write about, and a basic concept of spelling and grammer. Right?

Establishing a bookmarks list is not that easy for me. I am not a big user of the 'random' feature. I don't find jack shit there, (usually foreign diaries, teenage diaries, or diaries where you don't have a fucking clue what they are talking about because they speak in ebonics and/or can't spell. Let's not forget our poetry diaries and survey diaries.) I either will see a name over and over again noting a few different faves, and go to check them out, circles, or Readers Choice.

Now, Readers Choice has become tricky around election time. I am so sick of Ashleigh Bin Feild showing up there every fucking day. Or any other political diaries. (I mean, come ON! They have the 'politics' circle just for that purpose!) So, after you weed through that, you can usually find... one good entry a week. Once every other month I find a diary I want to keep reading. (Don't you hate when you find an entry that you have NO CLUE why it is in RC? I found one about trimming a backyard, and was like, 'huh?')

And sometimes, you come across the popular diaries. The ones that have been established on OD since 1998 or 2001 or whatever and their proverbial shit doesn't stink. It can be a Mommy Diary, and Crunchy Diary (lets face it, that's a whole 'nother breed of mommy!), A TTC diary, the Geeky Tech Diary, or even the Whiny Diarist who hates his mommy for chopping off his forskin. (I guess everyone has to have something to write about.) But, whoever or whatever interests you, what they have to say just pulls you in.

My bookmarks are public, guess which three I am talking about?

Now, when I find a new diary, I read them for a good two week before I will ever note. I don't know why exactly I do this, mainly because I am afraid of being ridiculed for reading and/or noting because I am a "nobody". But, I then note on whatever they write about or ask questions if I am not familiar with their cast of characters. I usually will keep noting, because what they have to say is either a) really, really funny and I just want to tell them how goddamn funny I think they are, b) really really sad, and I have experienced what they have gone through and want to offer support, or c) inspirational to me, and I want to let them know what an awesome person they are for posting whatever it was they did. Very rarely will I do d) post on a debating entry, because I don't like to be wrong. But sometimes I just KNOW I am right and will prove it!

When a new reader/noter finds ME, I almost ALWAYS go back and reply. And I am fucking flattered that someone liked what I had to say. It's like finding a new friend! I then read their entry and note on what they wrote about. I bookmark them, and will stick with it for a few entries. Sometimes, it doesn't work out. I just can't relate to everybody. And that's okay, I tried and didn't ignore anybody. It's vice-versa as well. And every so often, there is someone that comes to your diary and claims how in love with you they are, and you try and establish that noting relationship with them. Then you read them, realize what a fucking trainwreck they are, and wanna punch them in the face. But, you're nice and don't say anything. You respond to their notes, but don't read. They eventually stop reading you.

What I am getting to here, though, the popular diaries. You find one you LOVE. You muster up the courage to finally leave them a note. You're a faithful reader and you note every time they write. And, you never hear back. You wait, and think, "Maybe they're too busy?" Or, "maybe they didn't see it?" But no. You notice that they don't really note anyone else back, either. Well, what's the point of OD then? To get 500,000 notes a day, get nominated for RC once a month, to not show any appreciation to anybody? I mean, come on! How rude. You are just ignored by them. No effort, nothing. They just act like they are all high and mighty.

In my personal opinion though, to ignore someone like that is fuuuuuuuuqued up. In the words of one of my fave fave's, "amirite"?

In all honesty, the ol' man comes home everyday from work and asks me what happened in internet land. I then talk to him about y'alls lives like you just came over for a cup of coffee that morning and filled me in on the latest drama in your life. Isn't that sad?


previous entry: *Bangs face on keyboard*

next entry: The song of my people

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