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Stay Sane.
by --Heather

previous entry: My attempt to be frugal

next entry: The rock throwing neighbor kids

No manners!


The birthday party was great! There were some hang-ups, though.

So the plan was, Daniel was taking off work at noon, and would set up the party at the park while I drove to Eaton and picked up Koby. I had been trying to get David psyched up all week about this (because we put a lot of planning and time into this) so I have been asking him if any of his friends said they would come and blah blah blah (cause I only had two RSVP's). David said he handed out all of his invitations the first day (around 25 of them) and it sounded fishy to me, so I asked him every single day if he handed them out. Well, the car ride BACK (on our way TO the party) he said he didn't even hand out half. Maybe ten. I was so pissed. I went all psychomom on him because he fucking lied to me every day this week. I went overboard though because I know I made him feel the way I have felt before so I feel guilty about that. Never again. I eed to learn to let things go. But I hope he never lies to me again.

So anyways, we get there, and there are a ton of kids! Thank goodness, because we had a shit ton of food, and he had a good amount of presents stacked up. Daniel's parents were there (Abel and Kelly... yay) and so was my neighbor Karen and her two boys. Karen is such a sweet lady, I really like her, and ONE of her kids. Her other boy is an asshole. Straight up. He is going to be the dickhead jock in high school that torments the other "lesser" kids than him. And he just walks right over her. Anyways, poor pushover Karen had her kids, and guess who else was there? Three of four of Natasha's kids. Great. Daniel told me, "Looks like we're babysitting again." Come to find out, Karen is watching Tasha's kids! Tasha's son Christian and Karen's older son Bryce, are in football together and had practice that day. Karen agreed to take Christian to practice. She then pawns the other two kids off on her too! Karen has to fit 5 kids in her little Pontiac G6! Poor lady! And she is tring to be tastful about it, she isn't one to talk shit. So I kept my mouth shut and told her what a wonderful thing she was doing. But! If you know our kid(s) is/are going to a BIRTHDAY PARTY, don't you send them with a card or gift? She didn't. She sent them with nothing! They came and mooched my food, candy, cake, sodas, and were sent with nothing in return. Nor did she thank me for letting them attend later. I thought it was poor taste. NOT blaming the kids here, just the mom.

So, on to Abel and Kelly. Cheezus they fucking piss me off. We have one BIG gazebo that the party is under, that has some BBQ grills right in front of the playground. Well, when I get there Abel is manning the grill with Daniel (which is fine) and Kelly is under the gazebo sitting with one of the other mothers ignoring everyone playing on her phone. I sit next to her and she doesn't utter a fucking word to me. It isn't till 20 minutes later that she even acknowledges my presence, only because I spoke to her first. Then Abel starts asking me why I didn't get him any bratwursts, when I told them BOTH that anything besides a hamburger or hot dog they would have to buy themselves. Kelly and Abel eventually move off to their own corner to their own table and ignored everyone else. She ate my food, he ate my cake, and when it came time to open presents, they didn't bring him anything. Fucking REALLY!? You guys are supposed to be the Grandparent figures, and you brought him nothing! Not even a Happy Birthday! Didn't sing with us, nothing. I was so pissed. NOR did I get a fucking THANK YOU for working our asses off putting this shit together so you could have lunch. I had to leave to party for about five minutes, and they had taken off during that time. Didn't tell me goodbye or anything. I was so pissed.

I don't know if I wrote about mother's day in here or not. But Daniel and I had been invited to a Mother's Day BBQ at their house. I was then informed that because I had food stamps, I needed to bring a few things. She wrote out a list for Daniel, and I had to bring EVERYTHING! I was invited to a BBQ that they expected me to fund! I don't care if I paid for it out of pocket or not, we had no income at the time. That was my money to EAT! I was so mad. So, I made a bad-ass pasta salad, and NO ONE would even eat it! Abel won't eat food that other people cook, and Kelly is just a bitch. So, anyways, I bring brats for them, and they had their own steaks in the freezer. Just for them two. That made me so fucking mad. They actually said thank you, but they made a big deal out of it so I suspect that Daniel said something to them. I don't care. Next time I go to a BBQ at their house, I will come empty handed, act like an ungrateful bitch, and then leave without a Thank You. Have you guys figured out that IDGAF if they like me or not? Lol.

Hmm, what else... oh the Pontiac is stuck in our driveway! Ha ha, the button on the shifter knob won't click in so you can move it from park to drive. It was becoming hard to push in, but I didn't think anything about it becoming progressively worse. Saturday I got stuck in the driveway while leaving to get Koby. Daniel said it is because when we park on an incline (like our driveway) we put it in park and the car rolls back a little. That roll back disengages that button, so I needed to put the parking brake on first then put it in park. So I get Koby, I go back to town, get gas. Get STUCK at the GAS STATION. After 15 minutes of trying to push that button I FINALLY get it. Get back home, push in the parking brake, put it in park, run in to grab something, come back out, STUCK. Daniel has much more upper body strength than I do so he can get it out for me. Well, today he was going to take the car to work. I heard him go to the Pontiac and start it, let it run for awhile, shut it off, and take the Blazer. HAHA he can't even get it! I'm not worried because I tried telling him Saturday that it needs a new knob, and he says it didn't. I am convinced I am right.

Oh, last entry. While Daniel IS cheap, he is also proud. He enjoys WADS of cash in his pockets and tends to show it off. He was carrying up to $2000 on him at one time. While I think that it's STUPID and he will get robbed or lose it (because he carries it in his pocket, not his wallet) he likes to take out the whole wad while paying for something and kind of flash it to the cashier. I don't think he KNOWS he does it, he just does it. But the cheap thing, well it's nothing that will end our relationship, and he doesn't dangle money over me "like a carrot" (lol) I hate having to ask for shit, and I hate being questioned about my purchases. Oh, and I didn't even use the napkins anyways, lol.

Another rant- MY MOTHER! I love her, but I don't like her while she is planning this wedding. I'm gonna be honest here, I have gained some weight. I am 5'9, and a year ago I weighed 170. Which is small for my height and bone structure. I got on the Implanon, and it shot me up 50 lbs. in 6 months. Had it taken out, and I gained another 30 because I love food. I tried to eat healthy before and shit but I have no self control. I bitch about being fat, but not for sympathy, just because it was crazyhow fast I blew up. So I had a FaceTime chat with my Mom at the beginning of planning this wedding. She saw me and commented about how much weight I have gained in my neck. Then she gets all preachy about eating out and drinking soda blah blah blah-di-blah blah. *Eyeroll*

Okay, well a month ago I had to give her the measurements for my bridesmaids dress. I measured out to a size 18, and she tells me that I can't grow an inch and blah blah. Oh, keep in mind, she has ALWAYS been harping on me about my weight. Since puberty. She is all holier than thou because she lost a shit ton of weight for this wedding (she was MY SIZE) and now feels the need to preach to me about how to lose weight, if I "gain another pound and don't fit in that dress!!", she tries to tell me what to eat, what to drink, what to buy. It pisses me off so bad. I slipped up about drinking my Human Bean Granita's (like Frappucino's) and she went on and on about how many calories it had in it so on and so forth. She would just fucking DIE if she found out I finished off that birthday cake. She just harps on me about EVERYTHING. Oh, and my teeth. When I was in m car accident in 2006 I couldn't take care of myself. My teeth went to shit and I can't afford the dentist. It will be $5000 to fix. She ALWAYS talks shit about my teeth, how I need to take care of myself and shit. I TRY! I am honsetly scared to show up to PA in person. If she makes me feel bad about myself I swear, I will walk away and be done. That will be it. SHE is the reason for my self esteem issues. I really have to tell her this shit, but we have been working on our relationship and come so far. I don't want to back step.

previous entry: My attempt to be frugal

next entry: The rock throwing neighbor kids

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