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Stay Sane.
by --Heather

previous entry: Holy Fuck! (I suck at titles)

next entry: No manners!

My attempt to be frugal


I'm so frickin peeved right now. It's 6:41 AM on a Saturday. And I happen to be wide awake. The baby isn't even awake!

Daniel works six days a week, so he get's up at 5:30 AM. Well, he's so frickin' loud and rude, and I deal with this shit every morning. His alarm goes off, seven freakin' times, and it's that loud blaring alarm that I have to listen to every damn morning. Finally, he gets his ass out of bed. He always does his bathroom stuff first, and then comes in the room to get dressed. And turns on the light, being sure to take his sweet ass time getting dressed. That pisses me off to no end! When I went to work at 3 AM and he was asleep, I never did that. I always had my clothes ready and got dressed in the bathroom. I honestly think that's the polite thing to do. NOT leave the bright ass light on at 5:30AM while your girlfriend is trying to sleep! And now I am up for the day. Not only that, he then proceeds to have a conversation with me about money, which I am not cohenrent enough to have. This leads me to my next pet peeve about him...

He's fucking CHEAP! God, I love him but y'all wouldn't believe how damn cheap he is!

Okay, so he gave me $40 yesterday to go to town, asking me to spend as little as possible. The money he gave me came out of his child support that is not yet quite due (and that they will be taking out of his checks). Keep in mind, he took us all out to eat at the Red Lobster the day before with that money to celebrate (more later), so I don't think I'm out of line here. Okay, so he asks me to spend as little as possible. I sit down and make a list with him, I need to get the cake, wrapping paper, toilet paper, and a couple of food related items that I wouldn't have to pay for out of pocket. So, I ask him that night if I could get a coffee on my way into town, he said no. Which was fine. The coffee is from a place called the Human Bean, and they are like Starbucks, but 5000 times better with more choices, and they offer a punchcard! I just love the damn place, but will soon have to give it up so I can lose weight. So, he just asks that I am as frugal as possible to save money blah blah blah-di-blah. I am not frugal, y'all.

So, yesterday I decide to leave to go to town by like 10:30 because the cake wouldn't be done until noon, which is Tyler's nap time so I wanted to be home at 12:30 the latest. So picking up the cake was my last stop.

Daniel texted me at 9:30 AM asking if I was going to be in town in an hour, and I said "probably, why?" He then texts me back, "Nothing." Then 45 minutes later (I am still preparing to leave the house) he texts me, "I was going to see if you could bring me a rancho burrito but nevermind." So I text him back, "I can if you want, that's not a problem." He says, "I get on lunch in 15 minutes." So I tell him that if he would have given more notice (like the first time he texted me) I would have got him a burrito.

Wait, you can have a $3 burrito, but I can't have a $4 coffee? Well, that hardly seems fair.

So I leave for town. First, I stop at the gas station and grab a Pepsi, so that was $2. I'm rounding up.

I decided to pick up wrapping paper at the dollar store. That's frugal, right? Well, I get Tyler in the cart and I start strolling around and I find the party section. I grab two rolls of blue paper and two rolls of pastel yellow. The party is Spongebob themed, but we can't afford all of the licensed Spongebob party crap, so I have Spongebob plates, napkins, hats, cake, and invites (I'm sure there is something else here but I forget). Everything else is just blue and yellow, like the balloons (not helium), streamers, and I am really tempted to grab a blue tablecloth but my money has now been confinscated. Well, I also see some more pastel yellow napkins. We have invited 24 kids and their parents, and I have 16 Spongebob napkins. I figured I would grab two packages of napkins, because lets face it! We're dealing with seven year olds here. Seven year olds and cake! Then, I decided to grab a claw clip. Because the claw clip I use every day to section my hair while I straighten it broke yesterday. I figured the dollar store was the best place to get it (frugal!). But he doesn't know about the claw clip yet. I spent a total of $8 at the dollar store. After I left, I wondered why the hell I bought four rolls of wrapping paper because I only have three presents to wrap. I know I wanted extra because dollar store wrapping paper was equivelant to one sheet of lined paper, but maybe four rolls was overboard. Oh well, September is the season of birthday parties, so I will probably need it later. If not now, then Christmas time!

While in line at the Dollar Store I see Spongebob happy birthday helium balloons (the silver ones) for $1 each. I got all excited! What's a birthday without balloons!? So I text Daniel and ask if I can get some. He texts me back, "Babe, child support." That's a big fat no.

So, off to King Soopers I went. I spent $11 out of pocket there (the cake was covered!) on toilet paper.

I headed home and that's when I remembered I needed charcoal. I text Daniel and ask if he wants me to pick it up in town. He does. It costs me $5. I then am trying to figure out what I needed to make for dinner, and I decide on chili cheese dogs. But I don't have buns. I have to pay $3 for buns.

So I spent $24 yesterday, out of the $40. I take all of my receipts, itemize a list, and take the change and put it in a ziplock baggie and hang it on the fridge. When he got home yesterday, he didn't ask what I bought or how much I spent (shocker) and I actually thought I did pretty good. But I know the fact that I spent a WHOLE 20, plus some, he was going to be pissy about it.

This morning is when he decides to ask me what I spent. He looked at the list on the fridge (after grabbing his money) and came in the bedroom while the light is on and ask me, "So, you spent $24 in town yesterday?" Yes. "$8 at the dollar store! What did you buy?"

Oh. My. GAWD! He is BITCHING that I spent EIGHT FUCKING DOLLARS at the DOLLAR STORE! Who does that? So I told him wrapping paper and napkins.

"But we already have napkins!" I tell him we needed more. And he just says, "You know what, whatever."

Grr. I hate the 'whatever' word. HATE it! But fuck it, I want to go back to sleep. Instead I just laid there and tossed and turned stewing over the fucking double standard and level of CHEAPNESS going on here, so here I am, wide awake.

Yes, I understand it is HIS money. This is why I hate being a SAHM. I hate not having money in my wallet, or answering to someone about what I spend. He once got into an all day text argument with me over $200 that had been sent to me from him three weeks before that was spent but unaccounted for. He was making eight grand a month! How do you bitch over $200!? From three weeks before! I told him that there was no telling exactly where that money went. I had taken my son and hisson school shopping and to the movies at that time. I might have gone out of budget. All I know is that he sent me money with an itemized list, I paid them, and whatever leftover was mine. Seriously, it was an all day argument.

I really just want to find his job site right now and throw something at his face. He is going to learn the hard way that just because I am a SAHM, doesn't mean that the money he makes is HIS. He has never had a woman living with him raising the kids without income so he is in for a ruuude awakening. Can you imagine when we plan our wedding, and I have to spend HUNDREDS of dollars on a dress? We may break up!

Oh, the Red Lobster celebration? I made Dean's List at my university. I am still pulling strong with a 4.0 GPA, and I got a 91% in my last english class, the one I was freaking out about. The grade on my final (the one I almost didn't do) was 24.52/25. Yay me!

previous entry: Holy Fuck! (I suck at titles)

next entry: No manners!

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