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Stay Sane.
by --Heather

previous entry: Family can cause the most pain

next entry: Working on my relaationships

How to screw over your douchebag baby daddy 101


I thought I was going to write in this thing every day. So much for that!

School is good. I have a 99% exactly so far. Go me!

Got some baby daddy drama for whoever wants to read it. My youngest son's dad (we will just reference him as douchebag) and his other baby mama are fueding it out. Kind of. I don't know what all I have written about him in entries anyone can actually see, but I guess I have time to re-write it. It is a big thing going on in my life right now.

Back in May of 2011 I broke up with douchebag. Our son, Tyler, was 8 months old. I mapped out this whole custody agreement that is a baby daddy's wet DREAM! 50/50 custody. He got Tyler 3 days one week, and I get him four. Then the week after I got him three days and he got him four. That's how my work schedule was too, so I had Tyler on my days off. I told him that I would never ask for child support as long as he never tried to claim him on his taxes. We each provide what we needed at our own houses.

Well, he fucked it up. A few weeks before I left him, his mom payed 700.00 to fix my Blazer. When I left the house, I told him to let his mom know I would pay her back 50.00 a check until I payed it off. Well, his Dad kept harassing me about it.

And I quote, "Hey......Give up your rights to Tyler & get Daniel as the father on the birth certificate I'll forget the $700.00 or start paying child support so we can take care of him".

Excuse the fuck outta me?! No. Oh, by the way, douchebag isn't on Tyler's birth certificate.

So I let DB (that's short for douchebag) know that if his Dad even thought about suing me for the car, which he had mentioned in a different message, that I would take DB to court for the 800.00 he owes me for totalling my truck. Aaannnnd... I also gave his Dad 500.00 to fix HIS car! So don't say we aren't even. Because we more than are, and I offered to pay the money back.

Well, when I was telling him this, it was in person. He was giving Tyler back to me. Well, he started pulling some stupid shit like denying that he was driving the truck, and blah blah blah. I let him know that I had the police report with him driving and at fault, and he said, "Go ahead and sue me for the money! I won't pay you a fucking dime anyway!" Okay. Whatever.

So, I get home that day and not even ten minutes later he calls. I, of course, don't answer because it's obvious he is calling to fight. He left a voicemail saying that if I took him to court he was going to make my life hell. I decided right then and there, Tyler was not going back.

I know what y'all are thinking. But what if he's a good dad? Who are you to decide? I'm getting there.

Weeellllll.... DUMBASS douchebag (DADB for short), never changed his password to Facebook. And little did he know (or little does he still know) that I keep tabs. Hehehe. (That's my diabolical laugh). DADB had been writing on his Facebook about all the coke he was snorting and the pot he was smoking, not to mention all of the drinking. Oh, and by this time, Lacy, the other baby mama had called me and told me that he told her that he was going to take me to court and get custody of Tyler.

Back to Facebook. So, I have been reading about all of his partying and shit, and the weekend he was supposed to get Tyler back (but I already decided he wasn't), he calls me and says he's "sick", But I already know he is all coked out still. So, I don't answer the phone or call him back. I just send him a Facebook message.

Exhibit A:

DADB: />
why wont you answer your phone,ive been calling all day to get Tyler

what your not gonna call me like you said you would earlier today????????

you have the time to comment on people pictures but not call me about our son??



Just to keep you informed: since you called and threatened me on my voicemail, and I don't know the intent behind your threat, I am not comfortable with Tyler being there until we get custody in writing. As of right now, I want no further contact with or from you. Thanks.


excuse me?????? there was no fuckin threat!!! i said i want to see my son!!!


There WAS a threat. Not just my opionion. I have it saved, you threatened to make my life hell. I don't know what that means and im not taking chances. Sorry.


thats means we are gonna get along even less if you try to take me to small claims over a vehicle that you have no standing on trying to sue me for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This doesnt have anything to do with a car, money, nothing. This has to do with my son. You crossed the line with that. You should have known better. This conversation is over.


hes my fuckin son too god damnit!!!


Like I said, you KNEW the line. You crossed it. You can't expect to threaten me and me not take it seriously? Really? As far as the truck goes, you are responsible for that money. Whether I owned it or not, you were driving it in my good faith. The accident was your fault. We can let a judge decide that.


this is all pretty crazy coming from the person who said i have their word that they will NEVER KEEP TYLER FROM ME!!!


I'm not. It will now be up to the court what parenting time you have. If I were keeping him from you, I could have left the state and you wouldn't have a clue where I was. Obviously I didn't do that. But since you wanted to act like a bad ass and threaten me, thats the KEY WORD here, our situation has changed. I told you on the phone before this happened, our decisions now effect the outcome of our futures. You chose not to think your actions through. Now, I am not replying to your messages anymore, this conversation is done. I am telling you one last time: do not call, text, private message me, or show up to my work anymore


everything i though of you is completely different almost feels like you lied to me from day one.i dont know you...

i dont know how you can think not letting me see my son is not keeping him from me,ive been trying to get a hold of you for 3 days now and you refuse to answer my calls,you just now finally replied to my messages on here.if you intend on keeping him from me,then you need to pay for the paternity test or get your ex husband to sign the paperwork so we can get this over with and i never have to talk to you again.

you told me you would never do this...and here we are,your doing it.and i know for a fact that your roomate and boyfriend put you up to it.unless i really didnt know you at all afterall,cause the old you would have never done this

And we all lived happily ever after. Not.

So I cut off complete contact with him. In this time, I keep tabs. He doesn't know me and Lacy talk. In the last year he has:

Smoked pot heavily
Only had one job, for two weeks
Drink until his liver explodes
Done meth
Done Coke
Dropped acid
Taken "Molly"
Talked about mass producing MDMA (Which I think is the same as Molly)
Made plans to fuck a 15 year old girl (he is 23)
Got another girl pregnant (she's aborting by the way.)
Gets in fights
And tried to get down countless girls pants
I know some of those are not illegal, but would anyone out there want this man raising their kids?! No. This is the person you see on the 6 o'clock news! You know, the one going to prison for raping a 12 year old, or blowing up the meth lab in his basement. On TOP of all of that, he spreads horrible lies! Tyler has gone from being his son, to the kid. He is now telling people that I lived off of him, drove his cars, and cheated on him. He found me in some random town and I finally admitted that Tyler wasn't his and swabbed his mouth (right there on the street) and threw it at him. He then took it to a lab, had it tested, and they are not related.

WTF kind of dream world did he get this shit from?! He seriously made all of this up! And is telling his friends this! If y'all saw my son and him and Lacy's daughter side by side, you would think they had the same two parents. No joke. This is something he tells himself to sleep at night. Because in a year, he could not get off his ass to get a job and pay for the paternity test. Not attempt to call me. Nothing. Because he is selfish. My baby is better off without him.

ANYWAYS. To the good stuff. Lacy and DADB fueding. She has had enough. She took him to court, got a lawyer, and he wouldn't file any responses. Their case got thrown out of court. She started texting him yesterday morning, relentlessly, calling him out on everything. Why he won't get a job, why he won't sign Madison over to her husband, why he won't call Maddy and talk to her more than once every three months, why her never sends cards or gifts. Everything. She starts telling him what a worthless drug addict he is and a loser. She tells him that he has until the next morning (this morning) to tell her why he just threw Tyler away but keeps going after Madison, or she is changing her number and he will never hear from her again.

Does he do it? No. So she drops bombs! She told him that me and her had been talking since I broke up with him, and that she is more involved with Tyler than he is, and that she has a mole telling her all the bad shit he is doing. The funny thing is, he is his own mole by not changing his Facebook passwords! DUMBASS! He tells her that it's all bullshit she never spoke to me and blah blah.

So I call him. He thinks it's Lacy and sends it to voicemail. Keep in mind, he hasn't heard my voice in a year. I tell him that I was calling to validate that Lacy had been speaking to me, that he is a POS druggie, to get a job, a life, and to fuck off.

Then he goes back on Facebook and spreads more lies about me. *sigh*. Whatever. At least I get to hug my kid every night!

*To anyone who read this, the ending sucks. I wrote a lot and it's 1AM and I'm tired. I paraphrased. Y'all get my point.

previous entry: Family can cause the most pain

next entry: Working on my relaationships

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