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Stay Sane.
by --Heather

previous entry: I'm going to sound like a heartless bitch!

next entry: I was used!

A Series of Unfortunate Events


Okay, first off I am typing this on my phone. So that means this will all be one big paragraph because mobile OD doesn't space out the paragraphs, bear with me!!

I'll do as I did above to make this as legible as possible! I'll explain in a bit why I'm not using my laptop.

Let's start from 1AM yesterday. I woke up after have only been asleep an hour (I also had to get up for work at 3AM) with excruciating pain in my upper back wrapping all the way around to my ribs. It felt like I was beat with baseball bats and I couldn't breathe because it felt as if my ribs were being crushed. So I lay there and try to figure out what to do. I decide I will go to work until my boss shows up and then go to the ER do she didn't have to get up so early. I lay there until 2:30 or 3:00 AM and I'm just bawling. The pain is getting worse and I am so scared. So, I call Nikki (the babysitter) and ask her to please watch the kids. She comes over and I tell her I'm going to drive to the hospital and she tells me no, call an ambulance. Yeah, that's fine and dandy, but how will I get home? So I tell her I'm driving myself.

I then call my boss. I ask her to please cover for me because I have to go to the hospital. She asks what's wrong, and I tell her. She says, "Yeah, I feel the same way." Trying to guilt trip me or some shit. I don't care at the point. If she were that sick then her ass would have been in the hospital too. This was some major shit.

So I drive my ass to Greeley at 3:30 in the morning (15 mile drive) and walk into the ER. They take me back right away and immediately suspect a kidney infection or blood clots in my lungs. I gave a urine sample and they asked if there was a possibility of pregnancy because they needed x-rays for my lungs. I tell them the last time I had a period, so they draw blood for the blood test.

So my nurse came back and gave me pain meds in my IV. I think it was called Fentenol? That shit FUCKED me up! I was high as hell but still had the pain in my back and ribs. Then I just wanted to puke, even though he had given me anti-nausea medication earlier. I was slurring by words and talking nonsense. I finally passed out.

About an hour later, the x-ray technician came in with my pregnancy results. Get this- I'm not pregnant. No I'm not upset, just worried about my period not coming now. It was taken by blood test, so it's 100%, right? If I miss my next one I'll schedule an appointment with a gynecologist. --- So the tech tells me that we are going to go get my x-rays done. I sit up -slowly- and attempt to put my right foot on the ground. I can't feel my foot touch so I tell the tech, "Umm, you may want to wheel me. I don't think I have any feet." So she gets me a wheelchair and takes me to do x-rays.... Where I have to lift my arms above my head which happens to be EXCRUCIATING! Wow.

She takes me to my room and I pass back out and wait for the verdict. The nurse came in and let me know my kidneys were fine and I came back negative for clots. I was having muscle spasms! Sounds wussy, right?! Let me tell you, I have a high pain tolerance. I have had all of my kids drug free, survived a cat accident and rehabilitated myself to walk again. This didn't feel like "spasms"! But they sent me on my way with three different pain meds.

Well, it's 6:30 AM now. I had to get my scripts filled. My meds had worn off enough where I could drive, but I was groggy. I had to shake my head back and forth the whole way to keep from falling asleep on the road.

So I start my trek around Greeley to find a pharmacy that's open. Walgreens! I go to the Walgreens closest to me-closed. I go to the next one-closed. I park in their parking lot and get on my phone to call the Walgreens across town. Success!! There is a pharmacist on duty!! I drive across town and walk my nasty looking ass in the store. I realize at this point that the gauze on my left arm from the IV is SOAKED in blood! And it's drying on my arm. I looked like a fucking zombie. Well, I give the pharmacist my three scripts, and she asks if I have any insurance to bill. I say yes, I have Medicaid. She asks for my card and I explain to her that Human Services never sent me one. I had one for my son, but not myself. She asks how she's supposed to bill Medicaid if she doesn't have the number. I tell her that any other pharmacy, doctors office, and the hospital had looked it up for me. She then tells me she has no way of doing so, and I need to call Human Services. It's 6:45 AM! So I call the nurse line, and ask for the information. She refuses to give it to me, but gives me the number of the Medicaid office. So I call and they don't open for another 45 minutes!! Which might was well have been 45 years. I am stressing to everyone what an excruciating amount if pain I am in and everyone I talk to (especially the pharmacist) is unsympathetic.

So I try for 15 minutes to log into the Colorado PEAK website. I can't remember my username and get locked out. So I go back to the counter and BEG Marcy (the pharmacist) to see if there's any way she can help me look up the number. She asks if I called the hospital and asked. So I did, and they tell me they can't help me without providing an ID. Well, I ain't fucking driving back there. So I ask Marcy how much it is outright, because I have to go to bed. She tells me to hold on and starts giving my information out on the phone. So I wait, she tells the person on the phone "Thank you", hangs up, and just WALKS AWAY! Doesn't te me shit. I then put my hands in the air like "WTF!" and she doesn't acknowledge me. She comes back, rings up my pills, and starts having me sign the privacy act info. At this point I don't know WHAT'S going on! I don't even know if I had the money to cover it. Well, she did get my Medicaid number because I paid $1 a piece. But she didn't have to treat me like a rabid animal!!! Geez.

So, now we begin the journey home. I realize I'm out of gas (fuck!! I just want to go to bed!) So I stop and get gas, and start across town to the highway. I SOMEHOW make it home in one piece and with no DWI or DUI or whatever they charge for driving under the influence of a controlled substance.

I walk in the house just SEVEN minutes before David's bus comes. What do I see? Nikki sleeping and David watching TV. Not ready for school. FUUUUUCCKKK!!! I just wanna GO TO BED! Geez! I wake Nikki up to tell at her, she gets up, runs around frantically, (more in the way than any help) and then lays back down. (Geez, what the fuck am I paying you for?) I get David on the bus JUST in time. I tell Nikki that I am taking my pills and passing out, to get Tyler up and watch him until I wake up. She says okay.

So I take my pills and they kick in within ten minutes. I pass out and wake up at about 10:30 AM to Tyler banging something hard and plastic on the wall. I get up and Nikki is STILL SLEEPING!! WTF?! So I get up and get Tyler up. She wakes up and realizes am she has NINE missed calls from RW. I guess him a Tasha were fighting all night and Tasha said she was going to beat the shit out of herself and call the cops and have him arrested. Great. More drama.

So then my boss texts me. Conversation as follows: Boss: So what happened - Me: Muscle spasms. Gave me three different pain killers and sent me home. Just got up. Thank you for covering. I'm sorry I had to call off but I do have a docs note - Boss: Sory to hear that (notice she doesn't acknowledge my apology) - Me: Thanks? I'm sorry I just felt like I had been severely beat - She never replies. So I know she's pissed. I let Nikki know I may get fired the next day or if she cops a bitch fit I'm gonna quit. She's cool with it.

Oh, the laptop! That was the day before the hospital! On Thursday, I was trying to do my homework. I had to reload the page several times and my laptop kept freezing and I got fed up. So, I punched it in the face. Shattered the screen! I freaked out, called Daniel. He was like, I'm not going to buy you another laptop now! Luckily, I purchased an extended warranty on it. Took it in today and it's covered. I should get it back in three weeks. I'm just going to take a break from school so I don't have to do my homework at the library.

Okay, so come today. My boss comes in and acted like nothing ever happened. So we go about our day as normal, and about noon these kids come in. Can't be more than 10 years old. They buy a can of Jack Link's beef jerky chew, then ask to exchange it for a different flavor. She says yes. Then they start joking around and say, "Or, I can trade for a can of that chew!" referring to the tobacco. My boss says, oh yeah I'll let you trade for that chew and laughs. I say, Teresa, don't say that!! She's all, what? It was hilarious! I go on about how if that rumor gets around we're all fired and that's equivalent to joking about spitting in a burger at a fast food joint. She still insists its hilarious. We go back and forth for 15 minutes or so. I explain to her I'm bot saying it to be an asshole, I'm just watching out for her. She tells me I am being an asshole and it was a funny joke. So I roll my eyes and drop it. So goes to her office, grabs her purse like she's gonna go home and then comes up to me and asks if I want to go home! I asked her if she wanted me to go home. She says, yeah because I don't line your attitude with me today. - Before I go any further, let me explain my boss and I became friends. We could get on each other like that and no one takes it personally. So I really didn't think whe would reprimand me over this. I didn't even think I did anything wrong! - Okay, so I tell her fine. I'll go home. And I'm not coming back tomorrow! I take off my smock and take my key off the ring and leave it on the counter. She says to me as I'm walking out the door, "Heather, you're taking this the wrong way." I tell her, "No, YOU ARE!! You're fucking rediculous!" and I left.

It's a huge weight off my shoulders. My boss couldn't manage it be assertive at all. She wanted to be everyone's friend but developed schemes behind everyone's back. Everyone was "stealing" but she could figure out how. Or they were conspiring with the manager across the street to get her fired so they could take over the store. She had ME carry out her plans and I was also always getting yelled at by other people because of her. She also talked shit about all the employees to me. I had the dirt. But, it was stressing me so bad. I think that's why I ended up in telhw hospital with muscle spasms and why my period is so late.

So, I come home and tell Nikki. First off, her friend Dezi is in the house when I specifically asked her not to have anyone over. I don't care the circumstances. So I tell her I quit and she seemed proud of me and happy for me. Then, an hour later, she texts me.

As follows: Nikki: R u okay?

Me: Of course! Why?

Nikki: Just checkin. U seemed a lil stressed when u came in.

Me: Well a little. It's a lot to take in. But I'm better! Huge weight off my shoulders.

Nikki: K. So, what do u want from me? What shud I do?

Me: What do you mean? Everything is fine, I don't need anything.

Nikki: K. What type of pwy am I looking at this week?

Me: huh?

Nikki: Never mind. I guess I'll just figure things out.

Me: What? You need to come talk to me. I don't know what pwy is.

Nikki: Pay

Me: When are you paid up to? Yesterday?

Nikki: Im not sure. All that's goin on just leaves me in a real bind.

Me: Come over and talk to me when you're able okay? It's easier than texting, and I don't want anything misconstrued.

Nikki: Okay. MACHELLE's supposed to be calling any minute and I havent tslked to her yet today so I'll be over after that.

Me: That's not a problem

So, she comes over and she said she was hoping for at least enough for a hotel room. Well, it was only one day I owe her for, and my oldest just informed me they didn't even have lunch. She then asks for $30. I tell I her I won't have anything till Friday when Daniel gets paid. She tells me that she will probably head back to Denver Monday or Tuesday because RW and Tasha are getting evicted (thank you!!) and how she helped everyone out and got screwed. Oh and how she needed a little more notice that I was gonna quit. Uhh, I told you YESTERDAY this was gonna go down! So she tried laying this big guilt trip on me, and I didn't buy into it. So she left all butthurt. I think she was trying to hint at staying at my house for a bit, but I don't do roommates.

So that's all. A lovely, drama-filled three days. Well, I don't have to deal with ANY of these people anymore!

previous entry: I'm going to sound like a heartless bitch!

next entry: I was used!

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