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Always Piney's Diary
by Always Piney

previous entry: Today

next entry: Bring it on back - Jet

Seeing Lila


I saw Lila (My niece) at the airport yesterday it was nice.
My brother is having a rough time so my sister is flying up to spend time with him.
I hope he is okay and my sister can get him to see reason.
Last time I heard him speak he was drunk.

It was hard for me to listen and I started to cry.
But you know what, that is life.
He will be okay.
I saw my niece and she walked for me!
She showed me how she could walk!
That made my day.

I then came home and went to bed and slept.
Tobi and I have decided we are not doing valentines day.
We think it's pointless.\Instead we are just going to spend the weekend together and have a nice picnic.

previous entry: Today

next entry: Bring it on back - Jet

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A baby's first steps are precious. How sweet that you got to experience that.

A picnic sounds wonderful.

[mom2kyle|0 likes] [|reply]

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