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~Can Only Go Up~'s Diary
by ~Can Only Go Up~

previous entry: Update & letter

next entry: Why do girls start shit?

Oh the horrors!


12-21-2010 didn't start out like it should have. Kevin had to work at 8 again for this girl. Once again, she showed up so (unlike yesterday) he got sent home. Not that I was complaining because I got to sleep with him some more, but it annoys me that I have to set my alarm for 7:30 and he gets sent home anyway. It's a waste of gas on top of that. Anyway, we had tuna salad for lunch (again) thanks to me and peanut. We watched Lie To Me, probably my new favorite show. Kevin had to be at work at 4 and I had to go in at 5 so we were getting ready and I'm about to put on my shirt and Kevin's looking at me and I ask what....and he says did you always have that? And I'm freaking out! I'm like did I always have what?! And I'm looking around my body and turning in circles and I probably looked like a dog chasing it's tail. So he walks over and puts his hand where my tattoo is and starts feeling around. He's like hmm...I guess it's just baby weight. I didn't know what to say. I just threw on my shirt and decided to forget about it. Yes, I'm gaining weight. Yes, I don't like it. Yes, it comes with the territory of having a baby. Yes, I have accepted it. No, you are not allowed to comment on how I don't weigh 90 pounds anymore! I have to pick him up at's almost 10pm right now. So it was my first night on drive through..and I kicked butt!!! My times weren't perfect but it's my first time. No customer complaints, no wrong food, and people were relatively nice. Some people were hard to hear but then you get those that think they have to yell their order. I'm not deaf! You only need to speak up a little if I ask you to repeat something. letter for the day...

To my stranger -

Since I don't know you and I really shouldn't be writing you a letter because of that fact, this will be short and sweet. Who knows if we will ever meet. Just enjoy life, live it to the fullest, have dreams and share them. Don't forget who you are. xoxo another stranger

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next entry: Why do girls start shit?

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Don't let that get you down, you're ALLLLL belly.

♥ Karissa

[The Only Blitch.|0 likes] [|reply]

Don't let it get you down!
Guys are such insensitive jerks sometimes.
Make a comment about how he looks "smaller" than usual. :X

[-AndBabyMakesFour!-Star|0 likes] [|reply]


[-AndBabyMakesFour!-Star|0 likes] [|reply]

I don't let that get me down since when i had morning sickness i lost 30lbs. i only gained like 10lbs since i lost it all.

[Prego with baby #1|0 likes] [|reply]

guys are just stupid sometimes, don't worry bc you're making a beautiful baby.

[photobooth.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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next entry: Why do girls start shit?

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