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~Can Only Go Up~'s Diary
by ~Can Only Go Up~

previous entry: Updates and catching up

next entry: Letter updates

Cord blood banking?



Has anyone else done it or thinking about doing it? It's my thing to do for the week, and I think I might go through with it. I need to call to see if they will even come get it from the hospital because my hospital isn't affiliated with anyone.

We're finding out what peanut is tomorrow at 9 am! So if you guys want to know before I post it on here, my FB badge is at the bottom. Click on it and then search for Kevin Bowman. I don't think his is set to private. He's in my friends link if it will show up when you click on my badge. He will be posting updates more than I will although I will be sure to bring along my computer so I can keep you guys all updated in my life! As the time gets closer, I think I'm starting to want a girl. I was looking at the bed sets that I picked out. I have dinosaurs for a boy and for a girl it's elegant so that I can keep through the toddler years but it's black and white and pink but not that zebra print that everyone's picking out. I found it at BabiesRUs. And as time goes on, I'm really leaning towards Brooklyn more than fact, I'm not sure I really like the name Brayden anymore. Oh well, I still have like four months to permanently decide on something for a boy, if that's what it is.

I'm so tired, I really need to take a nap but I'm waiting on Mel to message me back. We're all going to Olive Garden tomorrow for dinner and she's bringing Camden but I don't know what time we should eat at. I don't want to mess up his eating schedule and I can snack throughout the day so if we eat at like 8:30, my tummy won't be gurrgling for the world to hear.

I know peanut's getting bigger because I have to pee like 4 times a night! It's annoying. I used to be able to hold it all through like 8 hours...because I hate using public restrooms! Now, it's like every hour or two, oh I gotta go! And I really do! It's like I drink one cup of water and I'm peeing out about 3! It's weird but it doesn't burn so I'm not complaining...I'm just passing it off as peanut's waste mixed with mine even though it's not true, but it makes me feel better.

I can actually feel peanut now. Randomly throughout the day, mainly when I'm sitting down, like right now, I feel this pressure about four fingers below my belly button. And I can see this little lump. It's kinda like peanut found something to push against so it's pushing it's back against my skin, kinda like a cat when it stretches after a nap. And it's just for a second and then it's gone. I like to watch it to see my stomach go from being lopsided to straight again.

It was hot as crap yesterday so when I got home, I put on some soffe (spelling?) shorts. They're mediums. When I bought them I did so because I like things fitting looser when it comes to shorts because I would run in them and play all types of sports and stuff so I wouldn't get rashes or whatever if they were kinda flowy. Well, when I put them on yesterday, I was appalled! I needed a bigger size. I was like SKANK!!! But they made my butt look nice

lithium layouts.


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I took the card and I wrote it down on my calendar, and then I threw the card away. I then set it up on my phone from my house calendar, and it got all screwed up from there.


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