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-Neurotically Yours's Diary
by -Neurotically Yours

previous entry: 28:6:42:12

next entry: The Potential of Tomorrow

More when I can think of more to write.


Imagine yourself as a piece of paper. You have been inscribed with some very official looking boxes and spaces and the words to inform someone of what should be written in those spaces. Everything about you is neat and specific. You come through a nice delivery service to a company that will put you to good use. You wonder to yourself what professional use you will have to the one who fills you out.
And then, to your horror, you enter a small cubicle, where an unkempt, unhappy man, not professional looking at all is staring blankly at a computer screen. Your horror deepens when you are left on his desk, when it is certain that this was your intended destination from the start. Soon you find yourself filled out carelessly, covered in sloppy handwriting and crinkled at the corners. You wonder who could possibly have been so careless and lazy, so unconcerned by the shoddiness of their work.
That man is me. My name is Lloyd James Carver. I work full time at Lot Tech and, as that order form just found out, I do not care for it one bit. I hate my job. I have for years. And it is not your everyday, garden variety form of hate. I loathe my job, and all of its many antagonists.
My arrogant and seemingly ever present boss, Jared Coltrane, is the very first among these. He may once have had dreams of doing something amazing and possibly philanthropic with his life, but these are estimated to have died out when he reached the age of five. Since then it would seem his primary goal in life is demeaning anyone far enough down on the payroll to be under his command while muttering in his office about how he could have been a contender.

previous entry: 28:6:42:12

next entry: The Potential of Tomorrow

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[Ice Vampire|0 likes] [|reply]

Is this the beginning of a story?

[xo heather|0 likes] [|reply]

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