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-Neurotically Yours's Diary
by -Neurotically Yours

previous entry: The Potential of Tomorrow

next entry: Still Alive

I Stole This.


Answer all the questions honestly, no lying to avoid stuff.

Starting Time: 3.12am

Name: James
Sisters: 1
Brothers: 0
Eye Color: Blue with brown splotches. I call them dirty blue.
Shoe size: 11
Height: 6'1"
What are you wearing right now: jeans, t-shirt, zip up hoodie, Umbrella Corp. pin, Cloud pin
Best place to go for a date: meh. wherever
Favorite Number: 3
Favorite Drink: Mountain Dew (and variations) Pineapple Orange juice
Favorite Month: August
Favorite Breakfast: Bagel and cream sheese
Bungee jumped: nope
Made yourself throw-up? no
Gone skinny dipping? yes
Loved someone so much it made you cry? in a way i guess.
Broken a bone: yes
Played Truth or Dare: Yes
Been on a plane: yes
Came close to dying: several times
Been in a sauna: yes
Been in a hot tub: yes
Swam in the ocean: no
Broken someone's heart: nope
Cried when someone died: no
Cried in school: no
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call? no
Saved an IM conversation: no
Saved e-mails: i don't save 'em so much as i just don't delete them
Been cheated on: yes

**What is**
The color of your room? blue
What's right beside you? Speakers
What is the last thing you ate? Cinnamon Roll

**Ever Had**
Chicken pox? yes
Broken nose:no

**Do you**
Believe in love at first sight: no.
Like picnics: depends on the food.
Like school: it's alright.

Who was the last person who called you? Called me? Lessee.....probly Luke

Did you last yell at? Lindsay (yay huge terrible fights!)
Did you Last Kiss? Lindsay (a couple minutes later)

**Do You**
Do you wear contact lenses or glasses: neither
Do you like yourself: nope

--Final Questions--
What are you listening to right now: Circle Circle, Dot Dot
How do you sleep? on my left side, right hand free.
What did you do today? looked for work, played rock band, chilled with old friends
What car do you wish to have? something moderately awesome
Where do you want to get married? in a church somewhere. or maybe outside. i don't really care.
Good driver? I'd say reckless
Good singer? no
Diamond or pearl: I think Red and Silver are still my favorites
Are you the oldest child in your family? yes

**Today did you**
Talk to someone you like? yes
Buy something: yes
Sing: yes
Miss someone: yes

**Last Person Who:**
Was in your bed: me
Who you saw? chad
Made you cry? dunno
Made you mad? Lindsay
You went to the mall with: myself
Ever been in a fight with your pet? we used to wrestle all the time, now she just rolls over and doesn't fight back. and then i get sad =(
Been to California: no
Been to Mexico: twice
Been to Europe: no
What books are you reading right now? The Darkness Rising
Best feeling in the world? unexpected joy
Future kids names? Boys: Lelouch, Lucian. that's all i've got, hahaha
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? nupe
What's under your bed: an entertainment center and all my video game consoles
Favorite sport to watch: hockey
Favorite locations: barakel
Piercing/Tattoos: none yet
What are you most afraid of right now? that maybe my relationship needs a more serious overhaul than i want to admit
Who do you really hate? chris
Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with? dunno. i never bothered finding out if i had a chance
Are you lonely right now?: kinda. i'm really tired more than anything else
Song that's stuck in your head right now? The final conversation between Zach Fair and Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Have you ever played strip poker? no
Have you ever gotten beat up? only amongst friends. i gave as good as i got. better actually.
What's the FIRST thing you notice about the opposite sex? eyes.
Your Favorite Food? i dunno.
Hugs or kisses? i'll have some of both from lindsay, but i LOVE me some hugs
Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? none. i kinda don't like popcorn.
How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
End Time: 3.28am

previous entry: The Potential of Tomorrow

next entry: Still Alive

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