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♥ My Life ♥
by Jaynee

next entry: HELP!!!

The start of something new...


so here i am once again on bloop. i can't remember my old diary details and so i've started anew here with a fresh new diary. i'm sad to leave OD behind and probably will be once i've downloaded my diary. omg if i can't download my diary over there i'll be heartbroken! my pregnancy diary and all moments with connor since he was born and all moments before that with his father are on there! all rants, things i've saved as a future reference for myself are on there!! i need to get in to download it!!

it's currently storming here... the sky is black and it's thundering with some sheet lightening. it's awesome!! i've missed living out in this area, i live on nthe far southern end of my town and most of our summer storms go around the south which means we catch the tail end of them all here in our unit. it was the same when i was here last year... funny backstory... i moved into this block of units in july of 2008, moved out of 2/73 in feb this year and 3 weeks ago moved into 5/71. now it looks like they are separate blocks but alas... they are but share a driveway and face towards each other in the front. it's a small tight knot community here, 10 unit in total and very peaceful and quiet. i love it out here! where the city meets the country.

ok well, this was mainly a test entry to see if my new backgrounds are going to work and if they look like shit or not lol!!

*hugs ya*
<3 Jaynee xoxoxo

next entry: HELP!!!

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My friend had a diary here since bloop started. She forgot to download it and then we had a crash last year. She lost everything. The crash lasted a whole month before bloop came back.

[.love.struck.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

I finally got mine OD diary downloaded and now I am coping and pasting lol such a pain but it is worth it with all the problems there right now

[Danigrlpurhottness|0 likes] [|reply]

I love communities like that They need more of them lol!

Welcome to bloop!

[Jessica|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome to bloop Jaynee!!!

[Mommy♥f2.5|0 likes] [|reply]

჻ೋ჻ Welcome back to Bloop! ჻ೋ჻

[AshaliciousStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome to Bloop, hopefully you can get your diary! Bloop had a crash last year or so and we all lost everything, I know how devistating that can be. I lost everything about my pregnancy and my sons birth and, well just everything. Hope you enjoy it here!

[Mommy2Brycen+1|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome to Bloop! I migrated over from OD too.

[Kristin.Marie|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome Bloop

[Jade|0 likes] [|reply]

Hi! I am over from OD too!

[♥ Aime|0 likes] [|reply]

I am finding SO many OD orphans. I exist equally both places now, since I downloaded my OD entries and C/P'd them here. It's an adventure. I'm not going to remove myself from OD, because I love my friends there, and because I don't trust anything, including Bloop, to stay operational ALL the time. 2 blogs gives me better odds.

[polywog|0 likes] [|reply]

Hi From OD too. ♥

[Perspective |0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome to Bloop. You should be able to download your diary from OD - it seems to be up and running again now.

[la ranaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome! I came from OD, too

[a beautiful letdown.|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm from OD too. I'm getting tired of the outages. Welcome!

[---Grisial---|0 likes] [|reply]


[*Matt's Wife & Parke|0 likes] [|reply]

welcome back

[spanna|0 likes] [|reply]

Hey its Michelle (inquiring_minds) from OD. I added you to faves!

[M.R|0 likes] [|reply]

I got sick of the wishy washy system OD had going.

Tomorrow we are supposed to get storms, last couple of nights it's been in the low 40s high 30s and tonight it's still 64 degrees and 11:05pm... go figure right!

I'm actually excited about something new... I just gotta figure out all the internal settings to make my diary beautiful!

[Randomosity_s Heart|0 likes] [|reply]

Hi Jaynee, thanks for the compliment on my writing and also the welcome to Bloop. I do appreciate it. Take care -

[Missing Sharon|0 likes] [|reply]

Photobucketfound and added you hun!! feel free to do the same!

[alex's momma|0 likes] [|reply]

next entry: HELP!!!

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