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we've been stars in this town since we were 17
by - mc

previous entry: Here we are again, I feel the chemicals kickin' in

next entry: And the embers never fade in your city by the lake

The ONT takes on Edmonton !


Wellll, unfortunately one of the greatest weeks ever is over. My best friend moved to Edmonton about 2, almost 3 months ago. She didn't like being away from everyone for so long, and decided to move home. I went out to help move her home, and visit for a week. It was one of the most outrageous weeks ever.. This is how things went down :
Monday - I flew out by myself, got there around 11pm, which was really 1am ONT time. Got to her house, stayed up talking for a while, and finally went to bed.. I apparently slept like a dead person lol
Tuesday - Woke up, got ready, got on the bus and headed to the mall. The greatest mall EVER! Shopped for a little bit, and went for lunch at BP. A few of her friends from work stopped by, and we went an shopped some more, and decided on drinking that night. After shopping, and a stop at a liquor store, we began our night! we went to White Ave and to a few bars. I don't even really remember what time we got home to D's house, I was still on ONT time (and was for most of the trip). I do however know we were woken up by G at 8am!
Wednesday - Got Mcdonalds breakfast (hungover life saver) and eventually made our way back to G's house. Had showers, and passed out. Slept most of the day away, went to the grocery store and made quesedilla's and basically called it a night.
Thursday - Fully recovered, we went to the water park inside of the West Edmonton Mall. Spent most of the day there, where we did every water slide, except the reallllllly tall red one that would probably give me a heart attack LOL. Finished up at the water park, and headed home. Ate, got showered and ready for the casino! The guy G lives with basically spends all of his time there, and his girlfriend wanted us to join them. As he played poker all night, G, L and I spent our night at the bar. He gave L (his girlfriend) $100, and we came home with $15, we didn't gamble. We drank. LOL
Friday - G had to work, I got paid, so I shopped. I shopped all day. Went to a casino - IN THE MALL, and won another 90$. Perfect! Finally finished shopping and went to G's work to see if she was done, but no such luck. D was there and asked me to go down to the bar with him and a few of their friends until G got off work. Away I went, and as soon as G got there, we started drinking, yet again. We went back to another one of her co-workers house and drank more, and more. Eventually made it home and went to bed.
Saturday - G had to work again. I let her leave, and just met her at the mall. I cleaned up her room, and packed some more of our things up before I got ready and left. Decided I should finally eat something, so I sat at her work and ate, before shopping again. Went back to meet her when she was done her last day, and went back to her house, another night just taking it easy.
Sunday - We we supposed to go to Jasper, but that never happened. G and I went bowling.. our first time 10 pin bowling! Then played pool, as usual. We also decided to see Grown ups, although we had to wait a couple hours until the next movie started, we occupied ourselves in the arcade hahaha. After the movie we joined a lot of her co-workers again for karaoke! We racked up a 120$ bar tab between the 2 of us. Ridiculous!!!
Monday - We spent the day packing, and nursing hang overs, yet again. Basically the jist of our day.
Tuesday - Up and gone to the airport at 4:30am, for a 6am flight back to ONT.

All in all, we spent a week partying, making new friends, shopping, and just having fun. I would definitely plan another trip out there!!

crayon box

previous entry: Here we are again, I feel the chemicals kickin' in

next entry: And the embers never fade in your city by the lake

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