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we've been stars in this town since we were 17
by - mc

previous entry: I'd shoot for the moon, but I'm too busy gazin' at stars

next entry: The ONT takes on Edmonton !

Here we are again, I feel the chemicals kickin' in


1. what are three ways to win your heart?
make me laugh, don't lie, put up with me lol

2. do you like lightning?
when i'm inside

3. have you ever cut someone else’s hair?

4. last person you said ‘i hate you’ to?
i don't know

5. rain or sunshine?

6. last stupid thing you said to anyone?
everything that comes out of my mouth is stupid lol

7. biggest turn off?
cocky, rude, obnoxious

8. favourite movie?
oh i have so many!

9. would you date someone who smokes?
probably.. although it's gross

10. would you date someone who was addicted to drugs?
i don't think so

11. what’s your biggest turn on, physically?
nice smile usually

12. would you have sex with someone you weren’t dating?

13. have you ever missed someone and regretted breaking up with them?

14. have you ever dated someone more than once?

15. if you could go on ONE DATE with any celebrity, who would it be?
tough question! uhh, adam brody!

16. what’s your relationship status?

17. do you like cuddling?
yeah most of the time

18. do you hold grudges?
not usually

19. do you regret dating anyone?

20. hugger or kisser?
lol, depends

21. missing someone?

23. are you happier single or in a relationship?
happy right now

24. how important are looks?
somewhat, but it's not all about them

25. would you rather date someone who was SUPER-HOT or someone who was nice?
well usually when they're super hot, they're super dumb, or super stuck up..

26. do you stay friends with the people you’ve dated?

27. would you fight over someone you wanted to be with?

28. do you kiss on the 1st date?
lol i guess

29. if someone cheated on you, would you take them back if you really loved them?
i have

30. some random girl comes up to you and says “who the hell are you”? What do you say back?
uhh, who the fuck are you

31. are you spoiled?
not really

32. name three things you would not tolerate in a relationship?
lying, cheating.. that's about it

34. did you miss anyone today

35. last person to see you cry?
i don't know

36. Who/what made you cry?
i don't remember

37. are you a forgiving person?

38. would you ever share a girl/boyfriend with your best friend?
uh, no lol

39. i’ve come to realize the last person who gave me a hug…
is my grammie, when i got home from edmonton yesterday

40. are most of your friends guys or girls?
guys i guess

41. how long does it take you to get ready to go out ?
depends on where i'm going

42. how many people do you know of named Adam ?
a couple

43. are any of your friends cheerleaders ?
lol, no

44. what was the last thing you burnt ?
my finger on a lighter

45. what is your full name?
megan l c ahahaha

46 what color is the bra you have on now ?

47. do you straighten your hair every day?

48. do you worry about the size of your boobs?

49. are you the typical girl who’s addicted to gossip?
i love gossip. but i don't spread it

50. what are your favorite girly magazines?

51. did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy?
no lol

52. did you ever cry during a romantic movie?

53. would you leave the house without makeup on?
i do it all the time

55. are you a girly-girl, tomboy, or in the middle?
uhh, in the middle probably

56. is pink truly the best color in the entire universe?

57. what’s the most expensive piece of clothing you own?
i have no idea

58. what color do you absolutely despise?
uhh, i'm not sure

60. have you set your hair on fire?
i accidentally singed my bangs before.. during my stoner phase lol

61. do you wear sweat pants?

62. do you know anyone who has lost their virginity?
uhh, yes

63. have you ever ran into a door because you didn’t see it?
sliding glass door i thought was open, but was just really clean hahaha

64. doesn’t 50 Cent suck?
he didn't used to

65. do you like hugs and kisses(xox)?
uh, sure

66. do you act gangster?

67. ever made a prank phone call?
not in a longggggg time

68. last kiss?

69. what bill do you hate paying most?

70. where was the last place you had a romantic dinner?

71. what did you want to be when you were growing up?
lawyer and a teacher

72. favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a guy?

73. when did you first start feeling older?
i don't know

75. what famous person(s) would you like to have dinner with?
i have no clue

76. what famous person would you like to date?
not too sure!

78. what do you hate about your school?
i'm not in school

79. last person's bed you layed in?
my owwwn!!

80. have you lost a friend recently?

81. ever have a sleepover with the opposite sex?

82. do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot?
not really

83. is it easier to forgive, or to forget?

84. do you give out second chances too easily?
not easily

85. is your best friend pretty?

86. is it awkward when you run into your exes?

87. have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?

88. can you make yourself cry?
i imagine so

89. is your life simple or complicated?

90. are you easily confused?
not really

92. are you taller than 5′4″?
i think i'm around 5'4

93. have you ever liked someone who treated you like crap?
we had our ups and downs

94. is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color?

95. does everything really happen for a reason?
100 %

96. what are you looking forward to ?
next week

97. who will your next kiss be with?
i don't know, i don't plan these things

98. what kind of phone do you have?

99. how many exes do you have?
uh, one REAL one..

100. are you happy?
i am!

crayon box

previous entry: I'd shoot for the moon, but I'm too busy gazin' at stars

next entry: The ONT takes on Edmonton !

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