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Musing, notions, thoughts and random ramblings
by Man without fear

previous entry: Dream denied---and other thoughts unrelated

next entry: tough call....

The red-haired girl...and what's really important



I wrote the entry the other day and i briefly touched upon having asked the red-haired girl (who's name i still don't actually know ;-p ) to coffee.

So i asked, she said she had a boyfriend to which i responded that i'm married and not specifically looking for something romantic. And she asked for my facebook info.

That was tuesday and i haven't heard from her since.

and y'know what?

I'm fine with that.

The hard part was asking her 'out' that's what required the courage, and i did it, and i'm pleased that i got it done.

Don't get me wrong, i think she' cute and i suspect we'd have some interesting conversations. And i still hope to hear from her. But i took a chance and got it done.

that pleases me.

previous entry: Dream denied---and other thoughts unrelated

next entry: tough call....

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As long as you are pleased, right?

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