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The beginning of the rest of my life
by Kristin with an i

previous entry: Precisely. 100% accurate.

next entry: NJM 2010 v.2

NJM 2010 v.1


I shall allow NoJoMo to ensure a full log to my relationship with Corey. I've known him for 11 years. He used to live down the street from me. I met him via the internet - not knowing the closeness in proximity (well, that's a lie. He lived down the street from where I am now, when we met, I lived elsewhere) - and found out that we went to the same school. He was a year ahead of me, class of 2003. At that time, I was very superficial as well as very self conscious. So the self-consciousness hasn't really changed, though, it's gotten better recently. When I met him, he was a scary-tall-heavy-metal-music-listener-with-long-hair-and-sported-the-black-trench-coat kinda guy. We lost contact after that.

Fast forward to this past August 2010.

I found him on Facebook and toyed with the idea of getting back in contact with him. Looking at pictures, I realized he grew up, got a lot more handsome and seemed to have a strong head on his shoulders. I friended him and we started talking. He had moved down to the Amish country area and we wouldn't really get to hang out. All we had was text messaging, e-mail and Facebook. After each of our graduations, his father had passed away in a bad truck accident and his distraught mother just wanted to try to get over the death so she moved the family down to their current location. Looking for a getaway, he had been in discussion with some friends on getting a house back in our hometown. I hadn't found out about this until one day he said he was in town visiting friends. I agreed to meet him and we were able to sit and talk. We caught up on old times, confessed old crushes and were able to really connect again.

We agreed to meet up again in the following weeks, work and transportation permitting. Each time, we grew closer and rehashed old feelings. Sometime in mid to late August, we started talking about the idea of getting together as a couple. The idea of a long distance relationship left me a bit distressed because of past relationships and their lack of growth. September 2, 2010 (90210..hehe) we got together and he told me that he was planning on moving back home. His roommate was looking for different places they could go and they decided on a house a block away from me. Transportation was no longer an issue as he was right down the he had once been before.

Corey is someone that I have been able to break down in front of, someone I have been able to break walls down with, someone I have been vulnerable with. He is accepting of my faults, and he loves every part of what I have to offer. I have never been with anyone who makes me feel so loved and so needed. Finally, I think I have found a place where I can be myself and be okay with it all.

NoJoMo day 1 - completed.

previous entry: Precisely. 100% accurate.

next entry: NJM 2010 v.2

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I'm happy for you sis

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