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Musings of a unemployed woman.
by Emerald Lies

previous entry: No blasted post on sundays.

next entry: Thistle



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Yesterday I ate a whole pot of yoghurt without gagging. I think I can eat it again without pulling a face! whoo!

Anywhoo, today was cold, very very cold. Nan had a doctors apointment at 9:20 so I thought I would have a nice lay in without feeling guilty but oooh no my screwed up body decided to wake up at 9 and remain awake so I eventually just got out of bed.

Had a shower, froze again, phone rang twice which I ignored both times, window cleaner came so I avoided all windows. Nan came home, checked messages and discovered the boatyard has been broken into for the third time. Luckily grandad's boat wasn't damaged and nothing was taken but seriously? a THIRD time, this is ridiculous.

Went with nan to pick cousins up, froze again unnecessarily.

Then went out with friends to the winelodge, we were going to go to wagamama's but apparently the roads are bad so Aimee didn't want to go far so we went local.
It weren't too bad, bumped into Gene, haven't seen him in years. It was quite amusing how all three of us kept staring at the bartender thinking "we recognise him, is that steven?" after the mean I asked Gene if it was and apparently it was Steven. He's changed since high school.

So for once quite an eventful day. Tomorrow doctors!

previous entry: No blasted post on sundays.

next entry: Thistle

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