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Musings of a unemployed woman.
by Emerald Lies

previous entry: Neglect

next entry: In control

Uni, Birthday, Back to Uni


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Phew this may be a long entry but seeing as I missed writing entries on the major events such as going back to uni and birthday I suppose it better be a mighty long one.

First off, going to uni for a couple of days. Yeah that was irritating, got the train at 12:50 and for once the train journey actually went slowly which is surprising as Lowestoft to Cambridge usually goes quickly. When I got on the Cambridge train from Norwich I noticed a guy on my course get on and me being me hid my face and avoided him. It's not that I don't like him it's just I was afraid of having to make small talk for an hour and 20 minutes.
Arrived to uni and wondered where the hell the teaching building was, I've been at this uni for 2 1/2 years and I still manage to get lost. I thought I'd go into the library as I was bound to bump into someone I knew and alas, I spotted Hayley in the criminology section.

We managed to find sian, and then find the teaching building so first day back, not bad. I went home after the lecture grabbing a sandwich for dinner as I could not be bothered cooking and cleaning up when I was only going to be there for a night. Wednesday's lecture 'Invisible Crimes' has got to be the most boring module I have ever taken. Enough said on that. Luckily though we could leave early meaning I could catch an earlier train home. First thought? Whoo-Hoo! So I rushed to pick up my essays, which took 20 minutes making it later, then i had to go into town to get a freedom pack, was in there for 15 bloody minutes because the damn people were so slow. Managed to get out but after running for several minutes I resigned to the fact that I was not going to make the train on time and therefore have to wait another hour. Luckily (yes thats me lucky) I arrived with 10 minutes to spare and managed to get ticket and get on the train on the time i wanted! Hell yeah! So that was my mini trip back to cambridge.

A couple of days later was my birthday, the big 21st. I actually spent most of the day alone, playing on Zelda. Yipee for being older, I still act 12. Went round mums and dads, had a chinese, opening presents and cards, watched big brother final (Damn alex I wanted vinnie to win!) Had my Mario cake (In the shape of a ds how awesome was that? see 12 instead of 21)

On Sunday Sian bless her booked a table at sgt peppers, so me, her, georgie and becca had a meal out. When sian came to pick me up she'd filled her car with balloons so it was hard to get in but hilarious. When we arrived they showed us to our table and bless sian again, she's got me a helium balloon with 21st birthday on it.
I opened my presents, Georgie got me a bag of peppermint tea leaves (yum) becca got me a beautiful bag, sian's parents gave me a box of chocolates, but sians present was by far the best. It was a Bon Jovi shirt with the tour date and venue on the back for when I'm going to see them!
After dinner (I had French Kiss, the garlic mayo went everywhere, it was very messy and safe to say no vampires went near me that night!)
Before they brought the dessert menus out a waitress brought out a birthday cake with candles lit and everythings and the guys started singing happy birthday! It was the cutest thing ever! albeit slightly embarrasing. All in all it was a brilliant night.

Got back to my nan's invited the guys in so they could get some of the cake, sian spent most of the time cuddling bengie, Georgie was saying how cosy the house was and how nice nan was. They left and the fun began. Because nan never uses the front door, it is hardly ever used, but tonight for some reason she insisted I use it. So I did, however when I came back and everyone left we couldn't lock it. We tried and tried and tried but it just wasn't locking. So I called mum and asked for jamie, he didn't know so we asked dad, he tried suggesting stuff over the phone but nothing worked. In the end mum ended up driving him round so he could sort in, he was only there 5 minutes and he managed to lock it! I still say we tried whatever he did first but just didn't work for us.

So that was my birthday.

Half a week later and I went back to uni. It was awful mum took me on her own which she'd never done before, she's always had someone with her. She took me back, dropped me off, went home. I remained miserable at the thought that the next 14 weeks would be hell.

So let the fun begin.....

previous entry: Neglect

next entry: In control

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