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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire

previous entry: two wrongs make it all alright tonight.

next entry: you were fresh off the boat from virginia.

i think you caught me on the downslide, downturn.


i just booked our hotel for the night before we fly to toronto in april. stoked! this hotel is new, is literally 2 km [tops!] from the airport, and is the only hotel i've found in winnipeg with a legit park and fly program. not to mention that our room + taxi shuttles + parking for a week is $129. maybe less if i can convince them that working at the hospital counts as a government job [it works where we usually stay]. considering that parking alone would set me back $90ish at the airport, i think this is certainly the smart way to go. bonus: king bed x hotel sex = fun.
i've had a very lovely evening of doing next to nothing. i took josh out for an early dinner, then he went to nerd out and i've been interwebbing and rocking out. it's great. tonight's music has made me all sorts of nostalgic. thankfully it's been in a wonderful way, not a sulky emo way.
maybe i'll get a new piercing while i'm home. brilliant. i was toying with a tattoo, but i'm not committed enough to anything. it would also be a bit of a problem with timing, as everything is always so rushed when i'm in that geographical area, zooming here and there to see as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time. luckily, i have been hoping to even out my ears for quite some time now, with a rook or daith piercing on the left side. piercings are speedy too. it's decided. done and done.

previous entry: two wrongs make it all alright tonight.

next entry: you were fresh off the boat from virginia.

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that's really, really cheap.
i've had a night of music too.
it's lovely.

[blondehollywood|0 likes] [|reply]

Thanks! I thought it was pretty cool.

[urgent napkin poemsStar|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc; yes, it does make sense
and i do agree with you
that it's not a bad thing, not necessarily.
i think i'm just letting other
people's opinions influence
me too much.

i need to work on that.
but, he's great.

[blondehollywood|0 likes] [|reply]

oh god. it's really good! i was concerned at first - but i liked it. everyone at my house thinks it's strange

[lady jodiStar|0 likes] [|reply]

ooo piercings are speedy but the healing is not, espcially those ear ones! But YAY! I've been telling myself once I get settled into the new job I'm going to get my lip done again! I CAN'T WAIT.
Yay for hotel sex! You are always finding killer deals. Good, so when you come visit it won't be an issue Hope you get that extra discount, psha, hospital as government job, that could never be in America, unless you worked at the VA hospital!

[mixieStar|0 likes] [|reply]

that's a really good price for park & fly. beats the hell out of the hotel we stayed at in toronto when we went to the leafs game... gah, it was such a piss off.

[Ezeekiel|0 likes] [|reply]

True that, and if you don't like it, you can just take it out.

[Emma|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: two wrongs make it all alright tonight.

next entry: you were fresh off the boat from virginia.

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