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A day in the life that keeps going on...
by - Alisa

previous entry: My Port Orchard Adventure.

next entry: His 94th year.

It's official.


Smile, today is a new day. :)

Last night the family got together to drink. I had been irritated all morning, it was what I needed to take the edge off. It's Monday night, Peter has Tuesday off and he had planned on staying the night. After the night cooled down, Peter and I went upstairs to talk. Earlier today I had asked Kyle to call me during his cky concert. Something in me, when Kyle called & Peter was sitting beside me I found myself silencing his call. As we continued to talk I felt this surge of emotions flowing through my whole body, no, my stomach! Maybe I had a beer too much, I wasn't feeling well. Before I knew it, he had leaned in to kiss me. Oh no, not now! Slowly, I fought with these feelings of nausea and overcame them. But by this time, Peter had stormed out of my room misunderstanding the situation. I drank some water until I felt better, and rushed after him.

Today while hanging out with Peter he told me that I bring out the best in him. We had a long conversation about if I'd like to be asked out. I told him I'd prefer to be asked, and the next second he's asking me to be his girlfriend. I found the word yes sliding off my tongue before I knew it. It was how I truly felt at that moment. As for Kyle, I'd like to tell him in person that Peter&I are going out. Kyle is good friends with Peter and so Krystle says he'll find out sooner than I'd like to tell him. I don't know what to do, should I just call? I'd like to be the first one to tell him...

Peace Love Unity Respect, always. <3

previous entry: My Port Orchard Adventure.

next entry: His 94th year.

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I think you should call him. In person, it'd be a little too awkward?

[Catastrophe;|0 likes] [|reply]

You're welcome

thanks for reading my blog and such.
I know it won't last forever, but it sucks that it's happening :/

[Catastrophe;|0 likes] [|reply]

I think you should def be the one to tell Kyle instead of him hearing about you and Peter through the grape vine... good luck!

[~The New Mrs.|0 likes] [|reply]

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