![]() Mami 2 ♥ 1 Post Count: 361 |
what was your first CD? and about how old were you when you got it? how old were you when you learned what MP3's and Ipods really were and how they worked?
I was about 10-11 and my dad gave me my first 3 CDs for my birthday. I recieved the spice girls first CD, a single CD from the Spice Girl movie, and the first Nsync CD. ( I never owned a BSB CD although i loved them too.) I was about 19 when people started talking about them alot and about 21 when i got my own and completely understood what an MP3/Ipod really were. |
![]() The Ryan ![]() Post Count: 415 |
Gosh, yo! I used to have old vinyl records when I was a kid. I had the Grease Soundtrack, and the Sound of Music one, and Oliver! ... talk about setting the tone for a life of raving homosexuality! haha My nan gave me her old record player to play them on and I played them to death!
My first tape was a Billy Joel one that my dad gave me when I was about 6. I can't remember which album it was. But 'uptown girl' was on it. That was my favourite song when I was a kid. Billy Joel and Musicals were all we ever played in the house, until I was about 10, when I discovered the Backstreet Boys, and Boyz II men, and Boyzone!! (Yeah, everything beginning with b!) They were my three favourites for so long. My first CD album was called "Fresh Hits 97!" or something equally as 90s, and included such AWESOME classics as Gangsters Paradise, MMM Bop, Wannabe, and Backstreet's Back! They just don't make tunes like those anymore! haha. I was 19 when I got my first Ipod. It was a silver mini, and I had it for Christmas. ;D |
![]() Azkabound ![]() Post Count: 162 |
I'd be pretty homo if I were a guy with mine. Cher and Celine Dion. Mightve been 12?
![]() *~Loving You~* Post Count: 507 |
My first cd -- spice girls and i must had been like 12 years old, and i never had a MP3 player my old phone the MDA had one but i never learned to use it i stopped listening to my cd player cuz i was embarrassed everyone kept telling me to put my music away cuz they could hear it from my headphones and such, and now ppl have mp3 player and ipods (which i dont own) so i wont use my cd player at all lol
hmm the spice girls still comes around, i think they are back int he usa for a tour or they were.. i dont even know what happened to geri i think she became a playboy model at one point and had alot of medical problems who knows... i knew about mp3 players when i was like 18 when they just started to come out i think... i still listen to spice girls BSB and nysnc! lol *shh* the beat is REALLY good alot better than the music now days! :-( i blast em when i am driving, i like the music back from the 90s and 80s.. |
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
They toured over a year ago, but the tour got cancelled before it finished. They're not together now.
Geri has had eating disorders, but I think that was a long time ago. I actually went to a Spice Girls concert when I was 14. It was pretty good actually, but I don't think they sang live! |
![]() Oprah Noodlemantra Post Count: 300 |
I was 14 when I got my first cd, which was the Queen of the Damned soundtrack. I still have the cd, and I play it so often that I should probably buy a new one.
I really don't remember when I learned or understood mp3's, or iPods. But I got my first (and only) iPod when I was 19, and I still have it. |
![]() ~'.Nevermind.'~ Post Count: 1 |
I was 10.. it was Christmas. I got a Boys II Men CD, and Sheryl Crow 'Tuesday Night Music Club'. lol.
I got my first i-pod for Christmas in 2006 when the nano came out. |
![]() Finally Mrs. Bailey Post Count: 181 |
I was about 9 when I got an Nsync cd. The first one. Then it was Spice for my birthday from my Daddy.
![]() Finally Mrs. Bailey Post Count: 181 |
Oh, and I started hearing about MP3s when I was about 14, but didn't get an iPod till about 16 or 17.
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
CD? oh lord I don't even remember!!
I remember I got the britney spears TAPE when I was I think 10 or 11? somewhere in that neighborhood. Her second album. I got pissed at my sister's cousin, because I was so excited about getting it and she said 'yeah? well i have the CD, hahahaha.' I bought CDs after that. I'm sure it was either this NSync one I have sitting here, the spice girls or the first BSB CD. I honestly do NOT remember which I got first. (and yes, I still listen to all three CDs. I'm still getting my money's worth ten years later!) |
![]() vatten mö Post Count: 43 |
My first cassette was back when I was 5-6 years old. I had a set of them with kids songs on them. They came in a teddy bear shaped holding case. That is all I remember about them. I don't have those anymore, but I do have over 100 cassettes still...that I listen to.
I got my first cd when I was around 14 (I think). Don't ask me what it was though. Haha. I'm lucky I can guess at a age. I still used my walkman and discman up until a few years ago when my walkman finally gave up the ghost. I preferred my walkman though because it had a radio and didn't eat the batteries as fast. I still own my discman and it still works. As far as ipods/mp3 players/etc...I still don't have one and I'm perfectly happy without it. I just carry around a mini radio and listen to radio stations. I know I'm behind the times but I don't care. Haha. |
![]() Working*M♥mmy Post Count: 2 |
I was 9-10 when I got my first CD... I have no clue what it was now... probably brittany spears or some stupid band LOL.
I heard of the mp3's and Ipods but didn't actually see one and work one until I was 17. I still remember when the video stores here switches from VHS to DVDs too. IT was the new thing. So crazy. LOL. Technology Evolution. |
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
The first album I owned was on tape! It was 1987, I was 5 years old and it was Kylie Minogue. The first album I bought (as in not copied from someone else) was Boyzone, and also on tape (it was about 1994 and I was 12!).
The first CD I owned was when I was 16 and was the Dawsons Creek soundtrack (I was a little later than my friends to switch from tape to CD!). I think my Spice Girls albums were on tape too. ;D I got my first MP3 player in 2005. I've only ever owned MP3 players (Creative Zens), rather than ipods. Mostly because I don't use itunes and don't see the point in paying extra for the brand name. |
![]() Transit Post Count: 1096 |
It was an aqua album, the one with barbie girl on, so 7.
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
You were 7 when that came out? Now I feel old. I was 14!
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
AAH. I love that song ;D
It's one of my ringtones, just because I laugh so hard whenever I hear it. |
![]() Working*M♥mmy Post Count: 2 |
i think i was 6 or 7 when I first heard that as well.
![]() starsmaycollide Post Count: 408 |
Mine were tapes also-I think it was Amy Grant or Mariah Carey, in the early 90s.
![]() starsmaycollide Post Count: 408 |
oh, and I guess I was around 8 or 9, maybe.
![]() ~Just the 3 of Us~ ![]() Post Count: 98 |
I couldn't even say....I was 14 when the technology of CD's hit the market in 1984 but I didn't buy my first one until probably the early to mid 1990's putting me somewhere in my early to mid 20's. But I have no clue what the first CD was that I bought. Too long ago and not important enough to remember. hahaha
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
my first cd was a disney soundtrack, I was 8 I think.
My first ipod/MP3 player I was 19 when I got it... 16 when I learned about it. |
![]() Ariel ♥ Post Count: 49 |
My first CD was the soundtrack to Titanic when I was about 10, lol! I don't think that counted though, the first CD I bought for myself was The Offspring: Americana when I was 12.
I first heard about MP3s when I was 16 or 17, back when they were on a CD when you could fit like 20 whole albums on one CD. Then I learned about iPods when I was 17, and bought myself one when I was 18 or 19 :) |
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
OMG I loved the Offspring...I am going to have to go dig that CD out lol.