Lady Sheri Post Count: 71 |
Heh, posting this just cause I feel like being sassy! I
Lady Sheri Post Count: 71 |
oh noez! it didn't post it! Here it is frealz now! (maybe...?)
Gay Marriage Opponents Now Want Legal Definition By: Ryan Garns Opponents of gay marriage who believe marriage should only apply to heterosexuals now wish to restrict access to another sacred institution: Christmas. "Much like traditional marriage, the traditions of Christmas have been under assault for many years now," says Brent Slabroller, leader of The Defense of Traditions Coalition. "In order to preserve those traditions, we're calling for a constitutional amendment that defines Christmas as only for Christians." For years non-Christians have adopted the Christmas holiday as though it were their own. They decorate trees, exchange gifts, take paid time off from work -- but none of them pay any tribute to Jesus Christ. Some of them don't even go to church. Even more shocking, some of them are gay. "Let's be honest: these non-Christians don't give a hoot about the true meaning of Christmas," says Slabroller. "They just want to exploit it for the fringe benefits." Slabroller denied the charge that his organization is motivated by bigotry rather than the betterment of society. "We're not saying non-Christians can't have a celebration of their own," said Slabroller. "We're just saying don't call it Christmas. Call it 'Pagan Day'. Call it 'Gee-I-Wish-I-Could-Celebrate-Christmas-But-Instead-I'm-A-Godless-Heathen' Day. Instead of singing carols, you can go door-to-door reading Charles Darwin to each other. Or the Qur'an or Harry Potter or whatever else non-Christians like to read. I wouldn't know." In other related news: a gay rights group is calling for a legal definition of Broadway musicals in order to keep out heterosexuals. More on this as it develops. |
Transit Post Count: 1096 |
Amusing considering you can drive around and see loads of christian churches celebrating halloween!
« Krisstah » Post Count: 127 |
.... oh my...
Someone stuffed the bible a bit too far up their ass that day. |
T.A.I Post Count: 269 |
Not really. Christians have a phobia of things up their asses, that's why they're so anti-gay, remember?
« Krisstah » Post Count: 127 |
ah yes... =/ hmmm..
Maybe they have a second hole they dont want anyone to know about, located somewhere near the asshole.. |
sumamen Post Count: 180 |
"We're not saying non-Christians can't have a celebration of their own," said Slabroller. "We're just saying don't call it Christmas. Call it 'Pagan Day'. Call it 'Gee-I-Wish-I-Could-Celebrate-Christmas-But-Instead-I'm-A-Godless-Heathen' Day. Instead of singing carols, you can go door-to-door reading Charles Darwin to each other. Or the Qur'an or Harry Potter or whatever else non-Christians like to read. I wouldn't know."
That is funny to me! Nobody else see the humor in it? |
Lauren. Post Count: 885 |
Err.. I'm a Christian.. and I read Harry Potter! OH NOEZ!!
BROTHERJIM_4_JC Post Count: 76 |
Harry are gonna burn for that
BROTHERJIM_4_JC Post Count: 76 |
Christmas is not a Christian holiday it is pagan and was adopted into Christianity because we wanted to bring people into the church by being more inclusive. Big mistake as the true meaning of Christmas is lost in the commercialism and not the reason which the Birth of the Savior. Personally I can care less what people do with Christmas. Real believers should celebrate that daily not on one so called Holy Day.
*~Loving You~* Post Count: 507 |
Christmas is for any1 personally its a time of the year when stores gets profits its insane
I am a catholic and I do what's tradionally people forget holidays such as christmas is the day when we remeber what jesus did for us like 1 of the girls said "we should celebrate jesus everyday" Gay people can do what they want but they really should stop blaming christains, any reglious people just because they follow the bible and go to church regulary and do their own tradions it isn't all our fault for them not having the "same rights" certain people are open and some aren't. It is getting old when I hear topics like this I roll my eyes all I see is finger pointings they do they don't we do we don't Its gonna go on for many more years till something new or "new" comes along people want to point fingers at |
Transit Post Count: 1096 |
pst its fake! Not only that, even if it were real you obviously chose not to read the article as it was about Christians pointing the finger, not gay people!
Eat Yellow Snow Post Count: 216 |
*spark spark* :D :D :D
Eat Yellow Snow Post Count: 216 |
picture? :-/ :-)
Miss Post Count: 239 |
how dumb! i'm a Christian, but i don't think that the holiday actually belongs to us, you know? i believe that Jesus was born one night, but i don't really think that the date is accurate. Christians should celebrate the birth of Jesus every day, not just that one day. I think everyone has a right to celebrate Christmas, because the holiday has a great spirit about it and brings families together whether you're Christian or not.
Aspiring Boxer Post Count: 169 |
Wow this is absurd!
panda bear. Post Count: 150 |
this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
~Just the 3 of Us~ Post Count: 98 |
Hilarious! That's about what it's coming to! hehehe
Riot Post Count: 31 |
omg y'all are so gullible.
Ryan Garns writes satire. He also has an article that says "Perez Hilton to Vet Supreme Court Pick" (here) that says Perez Hilton is considered for the new spot. My, my. For people who always try to sound so smart, I'm surprised nobody found this out. Or at least said anything, if they knew. |
Lady Sheri Post Count: 71 |
Thanks for posting the link! For some strange reason, the link didn't post when I did this last night! But I was literally falling asleep and figured I'd just post it today!
and here is the link if anyone wants it |
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
How badly has Brother Jim gotten to you guys? Haha, satire people.
Lady Sheri Post Count: 71 |
HAHA! Exactly! Fight nonsensical with nonsensical :)