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The Destruction Of A Person Builds Character
by CtotheGeewood

previous entry: quick for me

next entry: video of matt, video of m

about to leave it all beh


pools of sorrow, waves of joy

last night was an interesting one.
i had dinner with avery, vanessa, victoria, and scott.
i had just got done with my piano & social problems finals. my piano one was just awful... i memorized the dates (instead of the usual 40 questions on them there were 4!) and the songs but he only asked about the composers. he change the entire way he wrote the test for the final. but my social problems test was flawless and i got a perfect score on my term paper (on the legalization of marijuana) and a "very well done, chelsea".

we were sitting at dinner and billy joel came on and i just went, "i never want to hear another fucking piano for as long as a live".
scott laughed up a noodle out of his nose and vanessa dropped her glass of diet coke and spilled it all over her food, laughing hysterically.

i am going to miss that laughter


i went over to victorias w/vanessa to study and instead we went to the dining hall twice, ate goodies, drank tons of coffee, and talked to victoria's two suitemates from manhattan.

they were telling us stories about the club. how one of them had her ass grabbed so she CHOKED the kid and stuff like that.
i could not stop laughing.
i saw two of vanessa's suitemates that treat her like crap. they are bigger than hre, yet always dieting, and putting her down for not doing so too. i saw the both of them eating an entire plate of french fries and asked vanessa for one of their numbers and she didn't realize that they were IN the dining hall too. so i texted them, "yeah... you EAT those fries". and i saw them looking around freaking out hahahaha. then when they got up to get more ketchup i told vanessa what i did and she DIED then i said, "lets run over their and grab their fries and run away with them!" but she was not capable of even sitting up after laughing that hard.

i got your back.

then we talked about layla. i told them what she did with matt and victoria went, "oh my gosh! she did the SAME thing to me on friday! lauren's guy friend jordan thought i was cute and she wanted us to meet. so her droves 4 hours up here to meet me but layla was all over him the minute he walked in up until the moment he left and then she yelled out, 'i'd so fuck him and hard' and it was ridiculous! i'm over her!". she could not believe she did the same ting with matt.

i feel much better about the situation now. matt is back to kissing my ass and not talking to layla (or not posting on her wall or pictures or status like he does with me daily).

i was so stressed over the idea of studying for an entire week nonstop and still having to study for psych so vanessa went to smoke and victoria and i who haven't smoked a cigareete since we tried our first at 14 bummed one.

then 4 big black guys walked up to us and were like "hey ladies" and i was in SUCH a good mood that i was like "heyyy wassssupppp" and the two girls died laughing at me and the guys were circling me hahaha.

oh college.

i came back to my dorm and talked to john some.. who i think is developing feelings for me again (sigh. first loves). then joey comments me on myspace and asks for my LAST name again b/c he forgot it!

the one 3 years yougner than me who was "in love" with me and wrote me poems weekly and knew everything about me before i knew he existed.

the boy i gave into and let him kiss me... THREE TIMES. the boy i cried over when i told him he was way too young for me.

the last boy i kissed.

i was furious.

one of the last things he said was, "chelsea, i loved you i swear. and i know thats not enough for you, but i wish it was". i wanted to cry. he ruined my great mood. everything.

john kept telling me how much he loved me, how i was going to make a guy so happy one day, how HE will never forget my last name, how gorgeous i am, and blah blah blah. he's making me a hemp bracelet and coming over to my party on friday night to cheer me up.

we've loved each other for 7 years and we have never kissed.
immortalized artiste & cherry seven extras

previous entry: quick for me

next entry: video of matt, video of m

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Maybe you and John will kiss at your party Friday? Joey is ridiculous, he was in love with you but he cant remember your name. WTF?
I'm glad you're happier now

[xo heather|0 likes] [|reply]

lol yeah. he has always been doing that since hs started liking me. he hated me when he was a lot younger.

[burt.|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm glad your days are going well.
I hope everything stays great for you
because I love you!
That's weird to say because we are
only Bloopie friends and haven't really
met but I do love you like a best friend or something.
Sorry if that sounds creepy.

ryc; I don't know if I'm getting a car
but I'm hoping!!!!!!! =]

[A.Classic.DisasterStar|0 likes] [|reply]

joey is dumb. =).

[jessn.|0 likes] [|reply]

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