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Life of a Little Pet
by Davey xx

previous entry: 5000 Question Survey - Part One

next entry: 5000 Question Survey - Part Two

I R Alive


It’s been a few days, sorry about that.

There’s been a lot going on for a couple of months and it all came to a head in the last couple of days which is why I didn’t write anything, I just really wasn’t in the mood.

I was *almost* put back into foster care, but it’s been avoided by lots of fast work by my dad and psychiatrist. So that’s good, I’m not back in the system, which I’m happy about and I get to stay surrounded by all my animals.

I’m fairly sure I’ll end up being the crazy cat lady if I get old.

I’ve spoken to my psychiatrist some more about the little and pet thing. She doesn’t see any harm in it as long as I’m careful and don’t rush into anything.

I’ve been advised by a few people not rush into anything. I’m not going to. For now I’m just going to find somewhere to RP a child online to let my little out. Preferably a kitten-girl.

I don’t really have a lot to write about today… I just felt bad about not writing in here for a few days. I’d start doing the entries detailing what I’ve done with my day but I don’t really do a lot to be honest.

The last few days it’s just been:

Get up
Turn on computer
Go get coffee
Come back, start watching Spooks.

Get lunch
Come back, watch Spooks.
Get dinnner a few hours later
Come back, watch Spooks.
Sometimes at night I’ll voice chat with some friends, but that’s basically my days.

Oh, on Tuesday I went to the cinema after spending most of the day in Social Services. I saw Voyage of the Dawn Treader, they changed a fair amount even though the basic story was the same. I liked it though.

According to IMDB The Silver Chair is “in development” so I’m hoping that comes out next year or something. It’s a shame they haven’t made The Magicians Nephew.

Anyway, I really have nothing else to write right now. People are free to ask me questions about stuff and I’ll do my best to answer.

I think it’s best I stop before the babbling starts.


previous entry: 5000 Question Survey - Part One

next entry: 5000 Question Survey - Part Two

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