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Life of a Little Pet
by Davey xx

previous entry: Emotional Pain?

next entry: I R Alive

5000 Question Survey - Part One


I decided to do the giant survey too.

1. Who are you?

Davey. I'd rather not give my real name on here, sorry.

2. What are the 3 most important things everyone should know about you?

I don't always tell people that I've caught them lying, but it doesn't mean I don't notice.
My family will always come before everyone and everything else.
I generally like animals more than I like people.

3. When you aren't filling out 5,000 question surveys like this one what are you doing?

Listening to music, spending time with my animals, chatting to friends on MSN or Skype.

4. List your classes in school from the ones you like the most to the ones you like the least (or if you are out of school, think of the classes you did like and didn't like at the time).


5. What is your biggest goal for this year?

Hmm, probably to write the story I've had floating around in my head for the last few months.

6. Where do you want to be in 5 years?

Honestly, I have no idea.

7.What stage of life are you in right now?

Uh... No idea, teenage?

8. Are you more child-like or childish?

I think I'm probably a mixture of both to be honest.

9. What is the last thing you said out loud?

“What bit are you working on now?”

10. What song comes closest to how you feel about your life right now?

Evanescence – Breath No More

11. Have you ever taken martial arts classes?

Yes. Judo and Tae Kwon Do

12. Does your life tend to get better or worse or does it just stay the same?

It varies between each.

13. Does time really heal all wounds?

No, it just makes them a bit easier to cope with.

14. How do you handle a rainy day?

If it's cold watch and listen to it, if it's warm go out in it. I love jumping in puddles.

15. Which is worse...losing your luggage or having to sort out tangled holiday lights?

Losing luggage

16. How is your relationship with your parents? Will you miss them when they are gone?

Mostly okay, I have some issues with my mum since she's an alcoholic but mostly it's fine.Yes, I will... and that's two questions.

17. Do you tend to be aware of what is going on around you?

Yes and no. I may not be totally aware at the time, but if you ask me a day or so later I could probably tell you what was happening. It can take me a while to process information.

18. What is the truest thing that you know?

People will believe whatever they want to believe no matter what.

19. What did you want to be when you grew up?

A zoo keeper.

20. Have you ever been given a second chance?

Yes, by various people over different things.

21. Are you more of a giver or a taker?

I like to think a giver, others may disagree with me. I don’t know.

22. Do you make your decisions with an open heart/mind?

I always try to, but nobodies perfect and sometimes I probably don’t.

23. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you?

Hmm… I don’t know there’s been a lot of painful things. I’d say probably being half crushed and needing to have an emergency chest drain put in with no anasetic

24. What is the most emotionally painful thing that has ever happened to you?

Honestly I don’t know. A lot of stuff has happened to me and I honest couldn’t say what was the most painful emotionally.

25. Who have you hugged today?

My animals.

26. Who has done something today to show they care about you?

A couple of people actually.

27. Do you have a lot to learn?

Who doesn’t?

28. If you could learn how to do three things just by wishing and not by working what would they be?

A Be able to speak, read and write all languages.

B Playing violin

C Figure skating.

29. Which do you remember the longest: what other people say, what other people do or how other people make you feel?

Probably how they make me feel.

30. What are the key ingredients to having a good relationship?

Trust and communication.

31. What 3 things do you want to do before you die?

A Meet all my online friends

B Write my book

C Meet Jason Mraz

32. What three things would you want to die to avoid doing?

A Meeting with my bio parents

B Hurting my family

C Hurting my animals

33. Is there a cause you believe in more than any other cause?

Human rights. I think that covers a lot of causes, to be honest.

34. What does each decade make you think of:

The 19..

20's: Flappers

30's: Poirot

40's: The blitz

50's: Rock and roll

60's: The Beatles

70's: Abba

80's: Electric music

90's: Boybands

2000 (so far): Robots and flying cars (Everyone thought we’d have them by now)

2010's: I don’t know, I can’t think of anything that makes me think of the whole decade yet.

35. Which decade do you feel the most special connection to and why?

60’s I guess, I’m a big fan of 60’s music.

36. What is your favorite oldie/classic rock song?

Pink Floyd - Us and Them

37. What country do you live in and who is the leader of that country?

England, David Cameron and The Queen

38. What's your favorite TV channel to watch in the middle of the night?

Cartoon Network

39. What Disney villain are you the most like and why?

Uh.. Actually I have no idea.

40. Have you ever been a girl scout/boy scout?


41. If you were traveling to another continent would you rather fly or take a boat?

Eh… I don’t like either, but I guess fly, it’s quicker which means I don’t have to put up with it for as long.

42. Why is the sky blue during the day and black at night?

No idea. Though I thought it was actually a really dark blue at night, I could be wrong though.

43. What does your name mean?

According to Google Daveney means “beloved”. I’m not giving the meaning to my real name as I’ve only seen my name with the particular meaning that it has and I don’t want to reveal it.

44. Would you rather explore the deeps of the ocean or outer space?

The ocean.

45. Word association

What is the first word that comes to mind when you see the word:

Air: Book

Meat: House

Different: Strokes

Pink: Panther

Deserve: Need

White: Black

Elvis: Presley

Magic: The Gathering

Heart: Stop

Clash: Joe Strummer

Pulp: Fiction

46. If you could meet any person in the world who is dead who would you want it to be?

Eva Cassidy

47. What if you could meet anyone who is alive?

Jason Mraz
48. Is there a movie that you love so much you could watch it everyday?

Totoro My Neighbour

49. You are going to be stuck alone in an elevator for a week. What do you bring to do?

A bunch of books to read.

50. Have you ever saved someone's life or had your life saved?

Yes, to both.

51. Make up a definition for the following silly words...

Fruitgoogle: A term used to describe curious fruit bats that have been discovered trying to find fruit in suburban areas.

Ambytime: The time zone in Ambyland, a small country in the centre of the earth.

Asscactus: A way of calculating the amount of prickles in someones butt after they sit on a cactus.

52. What was the last thing you made with your own hands?

A cup of coffee.

53. What was your favorite toy as a child?

A bear called Blueberry.

54. How many TV’s are in your house?

About 10.

55. What is your favorite thing to do outside?

Ride horses.

56. How do you feel when you see a rainbow?

They make me smile.

57. Have you ever dreamt a dream that came true?


58. Have you ever been to a psychic/tarot reader?

I read tarot myself, and I know psychics and other tarot readers, but I’ve never been to see one for a consultation.

59. What is your idea of paradise?

A loving family, not being ill and being able to walk and ride horses all I want.

60. Do you believe in god and if so what is he/she/it like?

I believe in a higher power, I suppose the closest I can describe it is similar to the Native American belief in the Great Spirit, that’s not it exactly but that’s the cloest I can think of how to describe it.

61. Do you believe in Hell?


62. What one thing have you done that most people haven't?

Stroked a wild boar

63. What is the kindest thing you have ever done?

I don’t know. I try to do a lot of kind things, I don’t think of them are any kinder than others. It all depends on the situation.

64. Are you a patient person?

Yes and no. For some things I have an almost infinite amount of patience, for others I have very little.

65. What holiday should exist but doesn't?

St Georges Day. It’s known about, but not celebrated a lot. I feel it should be a bank holiday in England as he’s our patron saint. As it stands at the moment, St Patricks day is celebrated here more than St Georges.

66. What holiday shouldn't exist but does?

Honestly, I don’t know. I can’t think of any.

67. What's the best joke you ever heard?

I have no idea.

68. Where is the most fun place you have EVER been?

Dinosaur land. I had great fun there.

69. Is your hair natural or dyed?

Dyed right now, bright red. I haven’t decided what colour to go next.

70. Do you have any deep dark secrets or are you pretty much up front?

Everyone has secrets.

71. What is under your bed right now?

Dust, probably.

72. If you were in the Land of Oz would you want to live there or go home?

Right now? I’d probably want to live there.

73. If you drive do you frequently speed?

I don’t drive.

74. What is the world's best song to dance to?

Anything I can belly dance to.

75. What song was on the last time you danced with someone?

Smile by Madeliene Peroux

76. Do you prefer Disney or Warner Brothers?


77. What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo?


78. Would you consider yourself to be romantic?

79. If the earth stopped rotating would we all fly off?

Eh, no idea.

80. What is the one thing that you love to do so much that you would make sacrifices to be able to do it?

Horse riding.

81. If you (and everyone) had to lose one right or freedom, but you could pick which one everyone had to lose, what would you pick?

I don’t think I would be able to make the choice.

82. If you had to choose would you live on the equator or at the North Pole?

North pole. I do better in the cold than I do in the heat.

83. Would you rather give up listening to music or watching television?

Watching TV

84. What do you think makes someone a hero?

The courage to do the right thing no matter what it costs you.

85. What cartoon would you like to be a character in?

Spongebob Squarepants

86. Name one thing that turns your stomach:

Hmm… honestly I don’t know. I’m really not very squeamish.

87. What was the last thing you paid for?

A pizza.

88. Are you a coupon clipper?


89. Get anything good in the mail recently?

Sweets and stickers from a Japanese pen pal.

90. Which would you rather take as a gym class...dancing, sailing, karate, or bowling?


91. In Star Trek people 'beam' back and forth between different places. What this means is they stand in a little tube and their molecules are deconstructed and sent to another tube somewhere else where they are reassembled. Only problem is when the molecules are deconstructed the person is dead. When they are put back together it is only a clone that has all the dead person's memories. So... Is the person who gets beamed the same person on both ends? Eh I guess, they always were in Star Trek from what I know.

92. What insects are you afraid of?

Spiders (not technically an insect I know) wasps, bees. Wasp and bee stings can kill me so I really don’t like either.

93. If you could print any phrase on a T-shirt, what would it say?

Shun the non believer! Shhhhuuuuunnnnn!

94. What's the most eccentric thing you have ever worn?

I don’t know to be honest.

95. If you could pick one food that you could eat all you wanted but it would have no effect on how much you weigh, what food would it be?

Death By Chocolate

96. What are your parents interested in?

Mum - Art, country music

Dad - Art, languages, Sherlock Holmes.

97. Have you ever caught and tamed a wild animal?

Not so much caught, but I’ve hand reared two feral cats that were rejected by their mothers.

98. What is more helpful to you, wishes or plans?


99. When do you feel your life energy the strongest?

When I’m emotional.

100. You are spending the night alone in the woods and may bring only 3 items with you. What do you bring?

A phone with GPS and a full battery
Survival kit in a can.
A dog.

previous entry: Emotional Pain?

next entry: I R Alive

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