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previous entry: lots of late night thinking.

next entry: moving on.



ooh I might be a bit drunk.

I wanted to be classy and have a couple of glasses of wine, but i always forget a couple of glasses of wine for me is the same as like 10 vodkas.

Chris and I move into our flat on wednesday!!!

I'm excited and anxious at the same time.

I'll be fine once we're settled, it's just the change that makes me anxious.



Met a load of new people tonight - I think that made me drink quicker out of nerves - hence, drunk. But they were dead nice!! I'm glad I went.

Better get some sleep nows.

previous entry: lots of late night thinking.

next entry: moving on.

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glad you had a good time out and met fab. people! good luck with moving, you better still update after the move!! get some sleep♥Lacy

[foreverglowStar|0 likes] [|reply]

oh yay for neww friends, and a new flat !! so exciting, yet I know what you mean about anxiousness. it takes me awhile to adjust to the new routine and all, but then it begans to feel like home after all.
good luck.

[empire state|0 likes] [|reply]

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