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by the.path.i.chose

previous entry: Random bull

next entry: Drenched.

pic of camping last week



So, camping didn't go as planned. It's been rainy pretty much all week. It looked like rain all day yesterday and even sprinkled a few times. Last night they were calling for possible thundershowers and whatever same with tonight. Nothing happened last night. No thunder, no rain. wtf? ugh, i was so mad. I spent all week looking forward to it and then was bored as shit cause our plans were canceled and it was depressing. They decided that we are going tonight. Weather forcast hasn't changed but it didn't do anything last night. But watch, it will bring all it's fury tonight since we are going. Gordy doesn't seem much on going cause of it but Jeff talked him to it. When he left last night Jeff was asleep and he was like well I'll see ya'll tomorrow so we can camp and get rained on and thundering so bad the sky starts to fall. I was like well then we'll just get drunk and not give a fuck. I'll get drunk too. He said laughed and said he was game. :] Gotta gove Gordy. So, today I'm gonna clean house cause I hate coming home and seeing that shit after a long night in the woods. I'm gonna post some pics below of our lovely camping trip last weekend.

Ladida Layouts
this is Josh...aka...Opie as we've renamed him

this is gordy...his real name is jonathan gordon but we call him gordy
jeff who was upset after i took the pic and was like don't take a pic of this...he had a bunch of algae on the line lol...but i reassured him that i didn't get that part of it.
my baby, michael, working on getting firewood :]

our campfire

my brother, daniel, doing what he does on the phone

my other baby, william, being his usual monkey self.

Gordy the next morning...see the hole in his shirt? yeah, he lit off a bottle rocket the night before while holding it...dumbass.

William in the morning

ok, so the next morning gordy, opie, and dan decided they were gonna play tough man and were throwing the logs we didn't use into the river. then they spotted this tree, as you can see now it is laying right through the middle of camp. it was off to the side of camp about 8 feet or so...needless to say, it is still in camp.

the boys tending fire before i started cooking breakfast

Now this is a funny story with the next pic. Where the green tent is there used to be an orange and gray one that was gordy's. When i woke up i didn't notice that the orange one was gone and the green one, which used to be on the other side of our tent and further back in the woods, was in it's place. our tent is the blue one and when i came out i didn't notice but i wasn't looking neither. i sat at the fire and my brother told me that gordy freakin got up and left...packed his shit and left. i turn around and see the green tent. i was like wtf? dan said he moved his tent closer to be closer to camp. i was like why did he leave? dan said he said something about going down to this other camp and partying. i was like psh, he went and slept in the car or had someone pick him up. i knew he couldn't leave, leave cause he rode with us. about 5 minutes later i hear this voice behind me and it's gordy. i turned around and he looked like he just woke up... he says to my brother..."why's your tent in front of mine?" i lost it. WTF? lmfao, my brother just moved the tent in front of his and i never thought to look behind it! why would i though? you can see they did a helluva job making sure i couldn't see the tent. fucking joksters.

previous entry: Random bull

next entry: Drenched.

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