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Fritos and Bean Dip
by Lady Cherbear573

previous entry: 50 Q's

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Tell me about your..


"You must do the thing you think you can not do." - Eleanor Roosevelt

You can obviously skip whatever doesn't apply.


1. What type of home do you live in (apartment, house, etc)?
Rented house

2. How many people do you live with?
Two others

3. Who pays the rent/mortgage?

4. How many bedrooms are there?

5. How many bathrooms?

6. Do you have more than one home?

7. Do you consider one of your friend's houses your second home?
I did when I lived in Phoenix, yes.

8. What is your favorite room?
Our bedroom

9. What is the worst room to clean?
The kitchen

10. What city/town is it in?

...Favorite Movie

1. What is it?

2. Who directed it?
Alfred Hitchcock

3. Who's your favorite character?

4. What genre is it?
Classic Drama

5. What year did it come out?
Either 1939 or 1940

6. What's your favorite line?
Maxim de Winter: I knew where Rebecca's body was, lying on that cabin floor at the bottom of the ocean.
The Second Mrs. de Winter: How did you know, Maxim?
Maxim de Winter: Because...I put it there!

7. Is it a popular movie?
I think it was. It was based on the popular book by Daphne du Maurier and it won the 1940 Academy Award for Best Picture and Cinematography (Black & White)

8. How many times have you watched it?
*sigh* Too many to count

9. Can you recite the lines along with the movie?
Yeah, pretty much

10. Would you recommend this movie to other people?
Of course, it's Hitchcock!


1. What is the make and model?
Toyota Corolla Wagon

2. What state is it registered in?

3. Who paid for it?
My mom started on it and I paid it off.

4. Was it bought used or new?
It was bought new. It was a company car for my mom.

5. What color is it?

6. How many doors does it have?
4 and a hatch

7. Does it have power locks and windows?

8. What's the fastest you've gone in it?

9. Does it have cloth or leather seats?
Cloth. You don't have leather seats in Phoenix Arizona and expect to still have skin but the time the summer's over.

10. Can you play your iPod through your car speakers?
I don't know


1. Are your parents still together?

2. Do you have any siblings? If so, what are their names?
Your classic Lonely Only

3. Do you have family reunions?

4. How many grandparents have you met?
Three - my maternal grandfather died about 4 years before I was born

5. How many grandparents are still alive?
None, I think

6. Have you ever drawn out a family tree? How far back were you able to go?
My father did. I think he got back to the 1600's.

7. How well do you get along with your family?
I have a wonderful family.

8. Do you get along better with your mom or your dad?
My dad

9. Do you have a favorite aunt and/or uncle? Who?
I'd have to say my dad's sister, Aunt Kathy or my mom's sister, Aunt Diana.

10. How often do you see your extended family?
Rarely anymore.


1. Where do you work?
Fairfield Inn & Suites

2. What do you do?
Front Desk Clerk

3. How much do you get paid?
None of your business

4. How well do you get along with your co-workers?
Except for Phyllis, very well.

5. Do you like your boss?
I guess

6. Is there any workplace drama?
Not very often but yes.

7. What is the worst thing about your job?
Being the manager-on-duty.

8. Do you have to wear a uniform? What does it look like?
Yes. Dark grey pants & a vertically striped long sleeve shirt

9. How long have you been working there?
Six months

10. What is your dream job?


1. What type of school is it (middle, high, college, etc)?

2. About how many students are there?

3. What is your favorite subject?

4. What is your least favorite subject?

5. Are most of your friends in your classes?

6. What school do you go to?

7. What is/will be your major?

8. How do you get to school?

9. Are you in any clubs or on any teams? Which ones?

10. When are you graduating?


1. What kind of pet(s) do you have?
Four cats and a dog

2. What are their names?
Smudge, Aja (pr. asia), Sally, Mau Momma and Perdi

3. Did you adopt them from a shelter?
No, they were all strays

4. Do you want another pet? What do you want?
Gawd, no. There are too many bodies in this house as it is.

5. Do they eat "human" food?
Perdi does, sometimes.

6. How big are they?
Average size for cats & Perdi is about 58 lbs.

7. How old are they?
Perdi & Smudge will be a year old the next couple of months. I've had Sally for about 11 years and she was a young one when I took her in. Mau was an adult when she adopted us a couple of years ago as was Aja when she adopted Shawn about 8 years ago.

8. What color are they?
Perdi is reddish-tan color. Smudge is grey & white. Sally is white & black. Mau Momma is just grey and Aja is all black.

9. Are they social or do they hide somewhere in the house?
Perdi, Smudge & Aja are all pretty social. Sally is pretty skittish & hides most of the day. Apparently, I'm Mau's favorite. She hunts me down if I'm moving around the house.

10. How playful are they? Tweek thinks he's a dog. The other two are just incredibly weird.


1. What's his/her name?

2. How long have you been dating?
We've been together for almost 6 years now.

3. Who made the first move?
I contacted him first

4. Are you in love?

5. Where did you meet?
Initially, high school

6. Have you talked about marriage?
lol, yeah.

7. What do you typically do on a date?
Date Night is a rarity since he works nights and money is very tight.

8. Who usually pays for dates?
We share

9. Do you ever have romantic nights in?
Most times, it's the only option.

10. What attracted you to him/her?
His attitude

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RYC: Yeah, it was really good! He showed a lot of old clips, Will Ferrell came and was hilarious, and then he gave a heartfelt speech at the end and nearly cried. I taped it. I didn't know it was his final episode until a few nights ago, so I was mad that I'd missed the past couple weeks of winding down. THey might reair it this week. They'll have a week of reruns, then March 2nd Jimmy Fallon takes over. Conan will be back on June 1st to start The Tonight Show.

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