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Fritos and Bean Dip
by Lady Cherbear573

previous entry: 50 swiped Q's

next entry: Dragon entry - be forewarned

Figured I'd swipe one from someone else for once


"You must do the thing you think you can not do." - Eleanor Roosevelt

I swiped this one from survey this. I figure I should quit stealing from Survey Sweetheart for a bit. Does it still count, though, if HE swiped this one from her?

1. When was the last time you wrote a letter?:
I started writing one to my parents last month. Never finished it though.

2. Do you like the TV show King of the Hill?:
I've never watched it

3. If you could be a Disney princess, who would you want to be?:
Sleeping Beauty

4. What is something you want to learn how to do?:
Make myself quit hurting!!

5. What is or was your favorite thing to do in art class?:
I always liked ceramics

6. Do you like Phil Collins' music?:
Most of it, yes.

7. What country's history is most interesting to learn about?:
I'd have to say that, for me, my country's is the most interesting to learn about. Again, FOR ME to learn about. If you want to talk about your country's history, I'd love to sit down & listen. However, my family's been in America for the past 250-300 years. I've kinda got a personal stake in this one.

8. How much money did the outfit you are wearing right now cost?:
Me? Nothing. I'm wearing a company-provided uniform.

9. Do you like watching The History Channel?:
I do

10. What is your favorite Tom Cruise movie?:
Hmm... Either Interview with a Vampire or Jerry McGuire (sp?)

11. When is the last time you went to church?:

12. Do you think Dane Cook is funny?:
Never seen him

13. What is something that really creeps you out?:
Watching people get stuck with needles.

14. Do you think marijuana should be legal?
I don't know

15. What is the last thing that you purchased?:
Bacon, chicken, ranch sandwich from Domino's. Mistake. Too greasy.

16. Have you ever broken something throwing a ball in the house?:

17. Do you consider yourself lucky or unlucky?:

18. What is the last thing you did with your whole family?:
My whole extended family, Thanksgiving 2003. Shawn's family, Christmas last year.

19. Have you ever been to the Irish Festival?:

20. Do your parents pay for your clothes?:
My mom still sends me Lane Bryant gift cards every couple of years for my birthday.

21. Do you know what cornhole is?:

22. Who is your favorite hockey team?:
The now-defunct Phoenix Mustangs.

23. Can you tie a tie?:
No, always wanted to learn

24. How do you feel about people who have Confederate flags?:
Depends on how THEY feel about the flags, I guess. I mean, are they reminiscing about the Old South when women were genteel ladies & men were honorable gentlemen or are they thinking along the lines of white supremacy? Either way, I think I'd have to get to know the person better before I could make any decisions.

25. Do you wear baseball caps?:

26. Do you think facial hair on guys is hot, or do you prefer them to be clean shaven?:
It depends on the person. I like my husband with facial hair.

27. Who is the last person you laughed with?:
This guest who just walked through the lobby. He commented on how bored I must be. Believe me, this can be very boring. He works in a pawn shop in a little town a few miles east. He says he sees about 3 customers a day. He says he gets on the computer just to MAKE UP stuff to do all day.

28. Does getting a haircut make you really happy?:
I was really happy this last time because I had the right person cut it. She wasn't available last time & the other girl butchered it.

29. What is one thing you do every day?:
Take the damn dog out.

30. Do you like musicals?:

31. Have you ever changed a diaper before?:

32. Do you like watching Nascar?:

33. Which Law and Order is your favorite (CI, SVU, original)?:
I've never watched any of them

34. Do you wonder how they get those ships inside the bottles?:
I used to

35. Do you have any black and white photos hanging in your room?:
No but I have them in the living room

36. Can you play pool?:
Not very well

37. What is the last book that you read?:
I'm reading Lori Foster's My Man Michael

38. Do you like hot tubs?:
Not community ones but personal ones, yes.

39. Are you on a diet right now?:

40. Have you ever been part of a psychology study?:

41. Did you write notes to your friends in middle school?:
No, high school

42. Have you ever kicked a guy in the balls?:

43. Do you like the same TV shows as your siblings?:
Don't have any

44. Do you want to try Absinthe?:
I do, yes.

45. Can you wink with both eyes?:

46. Have you ever baked a cake before?:
Of course

47. Have you ever dropped your phone in water before?:

48. Do you make fun of people behind their backs?:
I have but it's not something I'm proud of

49. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?:
Occasionally when my husband has to work. He works overnights.

50. If you needed someone to talk to at 3:00am, who would you call?:
My husband, if he was working, Zen or Keith

previous entry: 50 swiped Q's

next entry: Dragon entry - be forewarned

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