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by ceruleandolphin

previous entry: I am an AUNT!

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I need help....


James is now going to be 12 in two weeks. He has been openly talking to me about changes going on with his body, which I am happy about. However he is telling me that one of his testicles is missing. I know they had both decended previously but now I dont know. I asked him if I could check and he said no.

I am respecting that, I certainly do not want to make him uncomfortable especially about that area of his anatomy.

Any suggestions or advice?

previous entry: I am an AUNT!

next entry: power...oh POWER where fore art thou POWER?

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Take him for a checkup with a doctor. He might be more comfortable talking to a male doctor, especially if he's checking up on his general health as well.

[Oprah Noodlemantra|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm not, other than Advil. It isn't as if I have all kinds of money or insurance for doctors and meds. I have to rely on the local free clinics, but they are volunteer run with VERY limited hours. Not to mention they are overrun with people like me. The earliest I could get in was March. So I wait...

[Villy|0 likes] [|reply]

If he's not comfortable going to a doctor, what about a trusted male friend/father figure? Good luck!

[Mommy_Bunny|0 likes] [|reply]

I'd go with the male doctor... that or a trusted male figure in his life. But probably the doc. Difficult position to be in.

[.Blue Bella.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

yep, tell him that if he wont let you look, who would he let look?(his dad or Mike?) if noone then tell him you'll need to take him to the doctor to check.

[*Stealth Bombshell*|0 likes] [|reply]

Yeah, I'd ask if he was comfy showing Mike, then if not, a doc. It would be unusual if he had descended testicles that undecended. Maybe it's just the way they hang, or he expects there to be two seperate sacks? Unless someone looks it's hard to say for sure. Kids get funny ideas about their bodies.

[mrs mandy moo|0 likes] [|reply]

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next entry: power...oh POWER where fore art thou POWER?

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