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sheissuffering's Diary
by sheissuffering

previous entry: hmmm

next entry: college and stuff



Q: Name A Friend Who's Name Starts With An "A"
A: Annabel

Q: 4th Person On Your Missed Calls
A: Sarah

Q: Do You Chew On Your Straws?
A: Sometimes

Q: Do You Have Curly Hair?
A: Nope

Q: Who Is Your Favourite Person In Your Life?
A: mum

Q: Do You Watch Tv?
A: few things, usually record them to watch later though.

Q: When Was The Last Time You Said, "I LOVE YOU" And Meant It?
A: I'm not sure =/

Q: Who's The Youngest One In The Family ?
A. Me?

Q: Are You A Heavy Sleeper?
A: no

Q: Do You Clean Ur Room?
A: have to, nobody else will do it, lol

Q: Last Time You Used A Skateboard?
A: when i was about 16. fell straight off xD

Q: Where And When Was The Last Place You Slept Besides Your bed
A: umm about 2 months ago when i slept at my mum's after a work do

Q: Ever Run Out Of Gas On The Road?
A: no but been scarily close!

Q: Best Movie You've Seen In The Past Two Weeks?
A. haven't seen any


1. Days Of The Week : Wednesday - no work, got college

2. Food: mashed potato

3. Number: 6

4. Song: paolo nutini - loving you (at the moment)

True or False..

I Am A Morning Person: once I'm up, yeah

Been in a fist fight? been hit, but didn't hit back

Snuck out of your/someone's house? nah

Been arrested? False

Been to prison? False

Hugged a stranger? um don't think so :/

Left your house with out telling your parents? True

Ditched school to do something more fun? nope

Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? nope

Cheated while playing a game? no

Felt an earthquake? False

Touched a snake? True, i have 5 pet snakes

Been suspended? False

Had detentions? no

Been in a car accident? yes

Crawled through a window? no

Been to the opposite side of the country? not really

Laughed until you nearly wet yourself? True

full name: Carys Grace Lloyd Davies

Birthday: 06/06/1985

Place of Birth: Cardiff, Wales, UK

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Male or Female : Female

Year: As in...?

School: aberystwyth university, when i used to go

Occupation: employed by asda and dominos pizza

Residence: port talbot

previous entry: hmmm

next entry: college and stuff

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